Hard Lessons Read online

Page 15

  He pulled her across his lap and began to spank her, concentrating on alternating buttocks until he saw the deepening of colour and the evidence of heat building up that meant that she was beginning to feel his punishment. Putting her in place on the last bed, head down, buttocks high in the air, he stood Tanya alongside Hansa.

  “These wards are now ready for their paddlings.” He took hold of the girls’ knees and pulled them wide. “One strike each side and then one in the middle. Don’t forget to number them Miss Watra.”

  Tanya lifted her paddle a foot or so and the Headmaster took her wrist and lifted it above her shoulders, and then she brought it in to hit Hansa’s right cheek with a loud splat.

  “Urgh! One thank you Sir.”

  “It’s not I who am punishing you Watra, start again.”

  Tanya brought the paddle in again and Hansa said. “Ahh! One thank you, Miss.”

  He whispered in Tanya’s ear; “Give her ten, but never tell the ward how many they are going to get, and don’t be afraid to hit as hard as you can.”

  She whipped in the paddle again in the centre of her backside. “Twoo! Thank you Miss.”

  Left, right and centre again and Hansa gave a little moan as she numbered the strikes. He whispered again in Tanya’s ear; “Now increase your speed, accuracy can be sacrificed for the next five.”

  Tanya aimed for the centre and sent in three quick blows. “Hansa reared up, spluttering.

  “Six, thank you Miss, seven thank you, eight Miss eight, thank you.” The Thai girl gave out a long moan as Tanya raised her arm as far as she could and landed two last strikes.

  “Ohh! God. Ohh God, nine Miss. T...T...Ten, ten thank you Miss.” Tanya let her go and she collapsed face down on the bed her hands gripping the bed covers and moaning and waving her backside around, desperately wanting to grab and rub it, but too wise in the ways of the Academy to risk further punishment.

  The Headmaster let her writhe for a moment and then slapped her thigh saying, “Hands on head face that wall and keep quiet.”

  As Hansa rose Tanya saw her glance her way with a look of trepidation on her face, and felt the surge of power that the other tutors felt after punishing someone. She had caused that girl to cry and moan and now she was going to do it again.

  They crossed over to Wallace and the Headmaster gripped her knees and pulled her strong legs apart. “Make sure the wards’ legs are as wide as possible, it makes them more stable.”

  Tanya stood with her paddle held high and felt a buzz go through her groin, she was getting wet at the thought of punishing this girl.

  She dropped the first blow and heard Chelsea thank her and number the strike, she hit as hard as she could with the next four and then she increased the speed of her delivery. After a heavy seventh strike Chelsea called the ninth next and Tanya, her face flushed with excitement and effort stopped.

  “Problem Miss Wilson?” the Headmaster asked.

  “Wallace missed a number Sir.”

  “Well spotted,” she was going to be okay, willing to punish wards twice if necessary. “The next strike is number eight Wallace, do you agree?”

  “Yes Sir, sorry Sir.” Chelsea didn’t know whether that was correct or not all she knew was that her backside was on fire. But she wasn’t going to argue, she had once when she had been awarded fifteen from the strap, for insolence, and Miss Dawson had started again from the beginning.

  Tanya had a sudden idea and gripped the paddle in both hands and swung it like a bat.

  “Ohh, hell, ohhh. Eight Miss thank you.” Chelsea tried to bury her head deeper into the covers and clenched her hands into fists, Tanya delivered the last two, one to each cheek and Chelsea managed to splutter out the numbers of the blows and thank a girl younger than herself for beating her.

  She was stood up next to Hansa and they moved on to the Nigerian girl who was already crying at the treatment handed out to her dorm mates. Now Tanya was swinging well but after five blows she stopped and whispered to the Headmaster; “Is this ward counting the blows Sir, I can’t understand her.”

  “I think we can give Miss Edo the benefit of the doubt in this case, her English isn’t very good. Carry on.”

  Swinging like a baseball player Tanya struck home with the paddle, but Amoke managed to get through it. When she was placed against the wall the Headmaster and Tanya sat on the end of one of the beds and studied their handiwork.

  Tanya’s eyes were bright with excitement at what she had done; Wallace was twice her size and had taken her punishment from her without arguing. The Headmaster whispered in her ear again and Tanya said in a clear voice. “You may rub yourselves now, girls. Then you can clean this room properly, understood?”

  “Yes Miss, thank you Miss,” all three said as one.

  Another thrill went through her, they were obeying her!

  Once they had rubbed themselves for a few moments they hurried around the room cleaning and setting things straight, still dressed only in their vests, their reddened bottoms waving about. Whilst they were busy he gave Tanya a few more orders.

  He lined them up again and had them thank himself and Tanya for their punishment and then made a point of looking at the clock. “It’s just on seven o’clock ladies, looks like you’re going to be late for dinner. I expect Miss Dawson will have something to say about that.”

  Three faces crumpled, being late for anything was three with the strap.

  “Sir,” Tanya spoke up, “maybe we could escort them to the dining room. They have been well punished and I expect they will keep their dorm a lot tidier now, true girls?”

  Three sets of eyes went to Tanya, a look of gratitude in them. The Headmaster paused, as if considering Tanya’s suggestion. “I’ll take your recommendation on this Miss Wilson. Get dressed quickly girls, I’m hungry even if you’re not.”

  As quick as they could they pulled on their clothes and lined up again, in case he changed his mind. He went up to Amoke.

  “Turn around Edo,” he said and tucked in her loose blouse and smoothed her skirt down saying, “less haste, more speed, young lady. Follow Miss Wilson.”

  They followed Tanya out of their dorm and along the corridor to the dining room; he followed them, pleased with himself. Tanya had found the sadistic piece of herself he had hoped was there. He believed it was in everybody, one day he would find where Yolanda had hidden it as well.

  They entered to find Janice Howard draped across Jemma’s lap and being spanked. “Miss Dawson, Gibson being troublesome?”

  “Yes Sir,” She stopped spanking her for a moment and rested her hand on her glowing backside. “She’s just not paying attention to orders Sir, and It’s a good way of introducing myself, isn’t it Gibson?”

  From down below Janice answered. “Yes Miss, thank you Miss.”

  This was the most humiliated she had ever been, draped across another woman’s lap being spanked like a schoolgirl for, ‘not paying attention’. Well she was paying attention, she was finding the weak spots where she could get out, find Marcus and have these so called tutors all put in jail for a long time.

  Janice hissed as Jemma finished her off with a series of hard, fast slaps and stood her up. She put her hands on her head and presented her battered backside to the rest of the wards. Jemma sat on her chair and looked at the damp eyed girl in front of her; she loved breaking in new wards.

  “You may rub, Gibson, and you have some thing to say?”

  Janice’s face went a little redder. “Thank you for my punishment Miss, please punish me again when I need it.”

  “Take your seat, Gibson and remember to pay attention in future.”

  Janice pulled up her panties, smoothed her skirt down and took her seat thinking that she would be sure to pay attention at the bitch’s trial.

  Jemma turned her attention to
the Headmaster. “Are these three late, Sir?”

  “No, Miss Wilson has persuaded me that they have been punished enough for today, take your seats ladies.”

  The meal was served and eaten in silence as always, just the occasional sound as recently punished wards tried to sit comfortably on the hard wooden bench. Jemma escorted the wards back to their dorms and the staff retired to their staff room to find Matron had arrived back.

  She had returned with a chocolate cake and they were soon eating and chatting. Jemma had Isabella sat on her lap and after an hour they got up to leave, but the Headmaster stopped them.

  “Wait one moment ladies, I have something very important to tell you all.” Once they had all sat down again he continued. “The Ministry of Justice has decided to open another Academy, quite close by, and Matron is going to be Headmistress.”

  “As Headmistress Helen,” he smiled at her and she smiled back, she liked the sound of that, “has pointed out, she doesn’t want to be faced with twenty-one new wards, so ten of the more experienced wards here will be transferred. Which means of course that we will be getting ten new wards in almost one go, and the Ministry plans to up the age limit to twenty-eight years of age.

  “As for staff here, Donna, would you like to be our new Matron? You can sleep on it if you wish and tell me tomorrow.”

  “No Sir, I would be happy to take the post,” Donna replied.

  “Then I presume,” he caught Marie’s eye, “that Marie would like to replace you as Tutor?”

  “Oh yes Sir, thank you very much, I would love that.” She beamed a big smile at everyone in the room.

  “Lucy, Lower Marsh will need a Gym Mistress and we thought of Alexandra Clouse, how do you think she would react to an offer?”

  “I think she would jump at the offer Sir, I know she’s a bit envious of my position here.”

  Helen held up a hand. “I will need to talk to her first; there will be no arguments about who is in charge at my Academy.”

  “I’ll leave you to set that up Helen. Jemma, Helen needs an experienced Deputy Headmistress, are you interested?”

  “Of course Sir, but what will happen to Isabella?” Isabella moved closer to her Mistress, she didn’t want to split up with her.

  “Isabella will go with you as a full tutor, subject to Helen’s agreement. I believe that she would like to interview her, to satisfy herself that Isabella will be good for her Academy. What about you Issi, do you want to go with your mistress or stay here?”

  “Please Sir I would like to go with Mistress Jemma.” She turned and faced Helen. “I will take any tests that you need Headmistress.”

  The Headmaster smiled to himself, that was settled then, by calling Helen ‘Headmistress’, she had definitely sealed the deal.

  “Yes, well,” Helen preened a bit at being addressed by her title. “I still want to discuss it with you, tomorrow evening I think your Mistress can bring you by and we’ll all discuss Lower Marsh.”

  “Which just leaves Anna and Tanya. Anna will you become my Deputy, and Tanya I can offer you a role here as tutor, how will that suit you?”

  “I would love that Sir, and I’m sure Tanya would love to take charge of teaching the wards.” Anna glanced at Tanya whose eyes were bright at the thought of doing more of what she had done this afternoon. Plus she would be able to stay with her Mistress and the man she now thought of as her Master.

  “Thank you very much Sir. I will be the best tutor I can,” she replied.

  “Well thank you very much ladies. Lower Marsh should open in a couple of months, Helen has to find two more tutors, and a Matron. I will try to help where I can, we have some names who I think will do quite well, and next week we plan to interview them so you will have to double up if we’re away overnight.”

  They began to leave for their own rooms, but he stopped Donna and Marie. “I’ve spent a lot of time with Isabella and I’m happy with her progress, this afternoon Tanya did very well at a dorm inspection. But I’ve neglected Marie, so tonight I would like a chat with her, Donna.”

  Donna rubbed her slave’s back and said; “Of course Headmaster, I’m sure she will pass any test with flying colours.”

  He pulled Yolanda over. “Maybe you could take care of Little Minx here, but her buttocks are in need of a rest. I’m sure you can find some other way of amusing yourselves.”

  Donna nodded and smiled at Yolanda. Pin lined gloves, a strap across her tits or her thighs. She would find something to please the little masochist.

  “Good! Marie fetch your cane and come to my room,” Marie gave a little gulp and they all left together.

  A couple of minutes later there was a knock on his door and Marie stood there, he motioned her inside and she went to her knees and held out the leather covered cane she and her fellow trainees had been given at the beginning of their training. He took it from her and hanging it on the wall he told her to get stripped and take up her position in the middle of the room.

  Marie folded her clothes neatly and knelt in the middle of the room, her hands behind her neck and her chest pushed out. He ignored her for a short while before going to a drawer and taking something out. Standing in front of her he reached down and put his lips on each of her nipples, then blew cold air on them to make them erect.

  To each nipple he attached a small silver clamp and then ran a silver chain between them. Taking the middle of the chain he pulled on it, making Marie gasp. Once he was sure the clamps were on tight he lifted it and put it in her mouth and told her to hold it there. The shortness of the chain pulled her nipples up and out, causing a few tears to appear in the corners of her eyes.

  He just stared at her, and when the pull of her nipples became too much and her head drooped towards her chest he gave an annoyed little grunt and disappeared into his play room returning with a thick collar.

  This was made of a hard plastic and came up like a cup to fit under the wearer’s chin and hold their head up. He snapped it into position around her neck and then patted her on the head, telling her to keep the chain in her mouth or he would punish her severely.

  Marie knelt naked on the floor, her hands behind her neck, her chest pushed out and her nipples being pulled up and out by the cruel clamps, whilst the Headmaster turned on the T.V. sat down and watched the news.

  After five minutes the pain in her nipples and the pain in her arms and legs began to build up. She began to wriggle about, trying to alleviate some of the pain she was feeling but it was no good. After ten minutes she was in agony, grinding her teeth trying to hold on, sweat pouring down her face as she tortured herself.

  Finally she could take no more and opening her mouth, let go of the chain and pulled her arms around herself to get some circulation into them back. Gasping and sobbing at the dull pain that invaded her body, she folded over on herself and when she straightened up a few minutes later she found the Headmaster looking at her with a disappointed look on his face, which made her sob a bit more.

  He shook his head. “Only ten minutes, very disappointing Marie, come over here.” She went to get to her feet and he stopped her with; “On all fours.”

  She crawled over to where he sat and he poked her with his foot. “Down there, let’s see if you’re capable of being a footstool,” he said.

  Marie crawled into position and spent the next hour with his feet propped up on her. Owing to the stiff collar she couldn’t put her head right down and soon got a crick in her neck. But she closed her eyes and tried to ignore the pain. A tremble she couldn’t control began to work its way trough her body and with a sigh he leaned forwards and removed the collar. She dropped her head and shed a few tears of relief, and tried to stay as still as she could.

  The news program finished and he got up and began to remove his clothes. Marie stayed where she was, desperate to prove that she could be submissive to
her Master. She kept her eyes on him as he moved about the room; he was really debasing her tonight. She was stiff and really wanted to stretch, but she would not move, even if he left her there all night.

  Finally he looked down at her. “Go and kneel next to the bed, slut.”

  Marie leapt up and limped over to the bed, pins and needles coursing through her feet and calves and knelt down again. Tears were falling down her cheeks as she opened her mouth to plead with him to tell her what she had done wrong, but he glared at her making her close it again.

  “You can speak when I tell you; I’m as interested in your opinions as in a blow up doll’s.” Marie gave a little sob and dropped her eyes. “Keep your eyes on me or I’ll put that collar back on, understood?”

  She nodded and kept her tear filled eyes on him as he fixed ankle and wrist straps to her. He told her to get on the bed on her back and he fixed her arms to the post at the top, then he fixed her ankles there as well. Doubling her over, exposing the part of her he wanted to get at tonight, her tight little anus.

  He got the gel from the side table and went back to the bed to look down at her. She had a tearful, worried look on her face, she couldn’t work out why he was abusing her so much, she had done everything he had said hadn’t she?

  The Headmaster was very good at recognising what his slaves needed, which was why he had tied Isabella to the bed gagged and blindfolded and let Yolanda work on her anonymously. She and Marie were stronger characters than Tanya and would need occasional reminding that they were there for him to fuck, not to have a relationship with.

  He showed Marie the gel and began to wipe it onto his erect penis, making sure she knew what was going to happen. From the little sob she gave she realised that he was going to bugger her. Her Mistress had buggered her with a dildo, but his prick looked so much larger, she wasn’t sure she could take it.

  He disappeared for a moment and reappeared between her legs, covering his index finger with gel he inserted it as far s it would go, twisting it around, before pulling it out and putting the tip of his penis in its place.