Hard Lessons Read online

Page 14

  Sabrina groaned silently to herself, she had been on shower cleaning duty before; it was the dirtiest and most physical of all the areas. The Headmaster picked up a basket and handed it to Sabrina without a word, choosing a riding crop from the cupboard he led them to the shower block.

  When they arrived he took the basket from Sabrina and pulled out the tile cleaner and some cloths, handing them to Heather and Sabrina he ordered them to clean all the tiled walls. Georgina was told to wash the sinks and then mop the floor. He led Mya over to the soak away that ran the full length of the shower alcove.

  “Mya,” a startled look went across her face as he used her name for the first time. “You will be cleaning the run off and the drains, be sure and get all of the hair out of the drain; we don’t want any blockages do we?”

  “No Sir,” she answered, this place was a work camp. Sabrina and Heather had already told her that there was a rotation for the kitchen and the laundry, in fact after they had finished cleaning Heather would have to help wash all the laundry by hand. Apparently using a washing machine or sending it out to be done was too easy.

  The Headmaster stood back and watched his wards at work for a while and then came up behind Heather and Sabrina as they washed the tiled walls. He handed them the long handled brushes and told them to get right up the top. He admired the view as their smocks rose to reveal their bare behinds. He snapped the end of his crop in to strike Heather’s bottom and told her to scrub a bit harder, then did the same with Sabrina’s, the leather end leaving a small red mark.

  Checking on Georgina, he found that she had cleaned inside the sinks but had failed to clean underneath. “Really Salmir, this is what I was on about earlier, lack of attention to the job you’re doing. Bend over that sink.”

  Georgina did as she was told and he lifted her smock and he gave her three hard hand slaps, and then put her on her knees to clean the gooey mess off of the undersides of the sinks.

  Leaving her working he crossed to where Mya was on her hands and knees scrubbing at the drain channel, her battered bottom waving in the air, she had reached the end and had lifted out the small drain cover and was pulling bits of hair from it.

  He squatted down beside her. “You have to get your hand right down the drain and make sure it’s not blocked at the bend. “ Mya tentatively put her hand down the drain and he seized her forearm and pushed it further down. “Can you feel all the goo down there Miss Chang?”

  She nodded mutely. “Well then pull it out.” Her hand came up holding hair and congealed soap. “Good, put it the bucket and then get back down there and see if there’s any more.”

  Four times she had to stick her hand down the disgusting drain and pull out hair and other stuff while he watched. Finally he let her replace the cover and then made her scrub all round the top before he was satisfied. The four girls worked for over an hour before he was happy that the shower block was as clean as it was going to get.

  He told them to sit down and wait for the rest of the wards. They sat slumped on the bench barely looking up as the other groups of wards trooped in looking just as tired and dirty. The last group in was Lucy’s, all three wards had a collection of thin red stripes on the thighs; the Gym mistress had been busy.

  He pulled aside Macleod, Edo and Short and told them to follow Miss Harris to the laundry. They collected the other wards’ smocks and trudged wearily after the Gym Mistress for another hour’s work in the hot steamy laundry room.

  After showering they proceeded in single file, naked, back to the dining room. He trailed after them noting some distinctive bull’s-eye marks on Isabella’s and Marie’s wards. He smiled; his new tutors were showing they were not afraid to use the paddles.

  Once they were dressed he sent them to their dorms, and the rest of the staff to the staff room, whilst he and Donna went to check on Catherine Pope in the infirmary.

  She was sleeping naturally but awoke as Donna began to wipe the cream off of her backside. She looked up fearfully as the Headmaster closely examined her damaged flesh. He came up close to her head, she would have backed away but the strap around her waist stopped her.

  “Well Catherine, I expect you’re very sore, yes?”

  “Yes Sir,” it seemed like a bad dream what had happened this morning, but the throbbing in her backside told her it wasn’t.

  “Do you know why you were punished so severely?”

  “B...Because I didn’t know the rules, Sir.”

  “Because you hadn’t learnt the rules, Miss. If you had tried harder to learn the rules, it would have been a lot nicer day, a lot less painful.”

  “Yes Sir, sorry Sir.”

  “You didn’t learn the rules because you are lazy, Miss Pope. You took drugs because you wanted to hide away, you were too lazy to live life. You sold your body because you were too lazy to work at something worthwhile.”

  Catherine began to cry at this brutal assessment of her life. He put his hands each side of her face and used his thumbs to wipe away her tears. “We are here to teach you that you have to work at life, nothing is free, and everything has a price. You are here to pay the price for five years of trying to go through life too easily, to avoid punishment here you will have to push yourself every day.

  “It won’t be easy, you will get many more punishments, maybe even more severe than the one this morning.”

  Catherine took a deep breath and more tears began to flow.

  “P...Please, please Sir, I will try harder, honestly I will.” She would try harder, she had to convince him, she just had to! She couldn’t take a worse punishment than she had already suffered, she would surely die.

  “I’m sure you will, Catherine. My staff and I will help you with that, now let’s get you on your feet.” He unbuckled the strap and helped her stand up, then began to unbutton her blouse. She stood motionless, allowing him to do whatever he wanted, she lifted her arms so he could remove her vest and lifted her legs as he removed her shoes and peeled off her socks.

  Once she was naked he led her over to a counter top where there was a food tray, he pulled the top off and said; “Now, you must be hungry so eat your lunch.” He handed her a half bottle of water and she drank it all in one go, and then began to eat. She didn’t feel that hungry, but she forced it all down.

  “Are you still thirsty Catherine?” he asked.

  “Y...Yes Sir, a l...little bit.”

  He gave her another bottle, while she was drinking it, he picked up her uniform and began to fold it neatly.

  “Your uniform is very dirty, probably where you wriggled around on the floor I expect. You will have to be punished for that, rule ten I believe.”

  “Nooo, Nooo, please nooo!” The tears began again and a look of sheer panic came on to her face.

  He placed a hand on her stomach and in the small of her back and began to rub it in a circle. “Shush, shush, I didn’t mean right now. I’ll put it in your file and we’ll take care of it in a few days. What are rules for Catherine?”

  “T...T...To be obeyed, n...not to be broken, Sir?”

  “Good Girl!” Relief coursed through her body at his praise. “Now, you have one thing remaining from this morning, something you have to say.”

  “T...T...Thank you for my p...p...punishment Sir, and please punish m...me further if I n...n...need it?” Her knees trembled as she saw the friendly smile come onto his face. She was right!

  “See how much better you feel when you try harder and get things right?” Catherine nodded eagerly. “Now back on the bed and Miss Grey will look after you, more cream for your sore bottom.”

  She got back on the bed and he slid the list of rules under her nose. “Now I suggest that you learn these properly, you will be tested again tomorrow. You can read Catherine, can’t you?”

  “I...I don’t read very fast, Sir.” Her voice quavere
d, she would spend all night learning the rules, and when they tested her she would get them all right, that would show them!

  “Well you’ll stay here until after dinner and then you’ll go back to your dorm. Ask Short and Murphy to help you by testing you, that’s what they are there for, to help you, and you are there to help them.”

  “Yes Sir, I will Sir. Thank you Sir.”

  He looked at Donna. “Miss Grey, will you care for Miss Pope whilst Matron is away.”

  “Yes Headmaster, it will be a pleasure,” she replied formally.

  Donna snapped on a pair of surgical gloves, just the way Matron did, and began to examine Catherine’s backside, squeezing and pulling at it, making the girl wriggle and writhe about. As he left he heard Donna say, in a stern voice; “Stay still girl, or I’ll punish parts of you that you didn’t even know existed.”

  He left her to it; she would make a fine Matron. He was sure she would accept the post so he would make arrangements for her to attend a comprehensive first aid course before Helen took up the reins at Lower Marsh.

  There were still a couple of hours to go until dinner so he went to the staff room where he found Jemma had returned and was showing around the wedding photos she had brought back. He looked over Anna’s shoulder to see a picture of the bride and all the bridesmaids. Her sister had the same striking looks that Jemma had and Jemma herself was standing in front, wearing a pale green dress smiling and holding a bouquet of flowers.

  “That’s a lovely colour dress, Jemma,” he remarked.

  “The only thing that’s lovely about that dress is that it was full length. Thanks to Matron I couldn’t change into a mini dress for the reception,” she answered with a wry smile. Why her sister couldn’t have gone with cream or beige dresses for the bridesmaids she didn’t know. But it was full length and covered the marks left by Matron’s cane after a mind blowing CP session in her room.

  He went over to Tanya and put his arm around her shoulder. “Tanya,” he said, “let’s you and I talk, I’m sure your Mistress is jealous that she hasn’t got a dress like that, and wants Jemma to tell her all about it.”

  Anna snorted derisively and smiled at Tanya. The slim girl followed the Headmaster to his office, once a place of great dread to her, but now she felt safer here. He might want to beat her harshly, but she would take that stoically because he was her Mistress’s Master, and therefore her Master as well, and Anna had taught her that her Master could do whatever he liked to her. Plus she had found her kink in life, punishment or the expectation of punishment and the after glow of punishment was what turned her on.

  He sat down in his chair and pulled Tanya onto his lap, his hand sliding under her skirt and coming to rest at the top of her thigh. She parted her legs and he began to brush the gusset of her panties with his thumb.

  “So Tanya, how are you finding your new duties?”

  “Fine Sir, my Mistress is teaching me well. I want to be the best tutor that I can.” She wriggled a bit on his lap as he pressed a bit harder with his thumb.

  “I expect nothing else, Tanya. I understand you punished Yolanda for one of her many misdemeanours, how did that feel?”

  “She had an orgasm when I spanked her, Sir.” The sound of amazement in her voice made him smile.

  “Yes she does that, maybe one day you’ll be able to come from just punishment. Would you like that?” He slipped a finger past the gusset and began to probe deeper, making her wriggle even more.

  “I guess Sir, I mean I like the feeling I get after my Mistress punishes me, but if you want me to be able to do that, then I will try my best.” He had managed to get another finger inside her and she was beginning to make little noises as he worked on her.

  “I also understand that you helped punish Sabrina and Heather, how did that feel?”

  “I...I don’t know Sir, they helped me so much when I first arrived. Heather’s such a nice girl, I felt sorry for her.” She lowered her head and blushed, felling that she had let him and her Mistress down.

  He began to move his fingers faster, making her begin to pant and relax in his arms, as she came he pushed his tongue into her mouth and held her tight as she melted on his lap, a tremor passing through her small frame.

  “Tanya, when you are given a class to supervise you will be representing me out there. Your feelings for the wards are no longer relevant, you are their tutor and you are there to teach them to be good citizens. When they need correcting you must do it hard and convincingly.

  “If you can’t do that then I will have no choice but to put you back into the Academy for the rest of your sentence, and your Mistress will disown you. Do you understand?”

  Tanya began to cry. “No please don’t Sir,” she couldn’t leave her Mistress, she didn’t know what she would do if she couldn’t see Anna again.

  He pushed her gently off his lap and made her kneel in front of him. “Don’t cry Tanya, I will give you a chance to prove yourself. Now,” he continued pulling down his zipper and freeing his rampant member, “something I know you are good at.”

  Her hands came up to cradle his balls and gently caress the root of his penis, he slapped them away.

  “Mouth only Miss, hands behind your back.”

  That made it more difficult, but Tanya was an expert cock sucker. When she had started stealing to feed her drug problem she had once sucked off seven policemen to get out of being arrested. She tightened her lips and began to drag her tongue along the underside of his prick, slowly moving down his shaft and then slowly moving back up again.

  He looked down at the dark haired head that began to increase its speed along the length of his cock, the concentration on her face evident by the creased brow. He was still convinced that she could be dominant, all he had to do was get her hooked on the power she would have over the wards, like Anna before her, who was also very submissive. But once she realised that the wards had to do what she told them, she would be happy to spank and paddle them.

  Every so often she would need serious punishment herself, like Anna, but he would be happy to dish that out. He gripped her head and spent down her throat, she kept him in her mouth, looking up into his eyes, until he was soft. As his cock slipped out she kissed the end and sat back on her haunches awaiting further orders.

  He stood her up, tucked her blouse in and tided her hair. “We have an hour before dinner. Let’s have a random dorm check, get a paddle from the cupboard.”

  She followed him down the corridor where he stopped at her old dorm; he put his hand on the catch and then said; “Maybe not, lets do the next one. “

  He opened the door and the three wards inside came to their feet as he entered. Hansa Watra, Amoke Edo and Chelsea Wallace, all of them had been here several months and knew that the Headmaster and a tutor coming into a dorm on a Sunday afternoon carrying a paddle was not a good sign.

  All dorms had to be kept clean and tidy or the occupants were punished. He told them to put their hands on their heads and stand with their backs to the wall and went round closely inspecting the sink and shelves.

  Quite often he would let Helen do this, especially when he could tell that she was getting a bit frustrated, but this would prove a good opportunity for Tanya to carry out some punishments.

  “The sink is dirty, this cabinet is a mess and there is underwear on the floor. Wallace what is Rule Twenty?”

  “Rule Twenty is; ‘All dorms must be kept clean and tidy’, Sir.” Chelsea kept her eyes forward but glanced around the room. It was a damn sight cleaner than her room at home ever was. But she knew that arguing would only increase the punishment.

  “Well at least you know that. Strip down to your vests.” He sat on the end of a bed and Tanya stood beside him gripping her paddle. The wards removed their top clothes and panties and hung them on the hooks provided and then stood with hands on heads aga

  “Watra, you first.” Dragging her feet slightly the small Thai girl came forwards for her punishment she laid herself over his lap and he began to run his hands over the proffered backside before beginning to spank her hard. After a minute or so Hansa began to wriggle as the heat built up and the sting of his hand became all intrusive. She was gasping and sobbing after the normal three minutes of spanking.

  He took her arm and made her kneel on the bed, pushing her head right down, so her bottom came up in the air, he told her to stay there and wait for the second part of her punishment.

  “Wallace come here,” he ordered, and the second ward came forwards. Chelsea Wallace was heavier and taller than the diminutive Watra. She had several tattoos adorning her body, one arm was completely covered. Personally he disliked girls’ bodies being covered like this, but this was out of his control. Outside, Wallace had used her bulk to intimidate other girls in her run down area of London, but she went too far and stabbed a girl in a fight. Fortunately she didn’t die and Wallace ended up here. She went straight back to trying to intimidate her fellow wards, and the Headmaster had to punish her several times, culminating in a public caning and cleaning duties in the Lodge. After that she settled down and tried to obey the rules.

  He pulled her up his lap as best he could, she was on the limit for an over the knee punishment, and started his spanking as hard as he could. After three minutes she was gritting her teeth and going red in the face behind her remarkably lush black hair. He pulled her up and set her in the same sort of position on another bed and called for Edo to come forward.

  Small, with very dark skin and hair cut close to her skull, Amoke had been born in Nigeria and illegally entered the country when she was fourteen with her ‘boyfriend’, who immediately sold her into prostitution. She was eighteen when she was arrested, so she was sentenced to High Heath for a year and then would be deported back to Nigeria, hopefully carrying stories of how terrible the British judicial system was.