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  Saying nothing he gave one large shove and pushed it all the way in. Marie gave a little grunt and her eyes widened. Once buried inside of her he reached forward and picked up the chain, which still hung between her nipples, and offered it up to her mouth, she took it and bit down on it hard.

  Gripping her thighs he began to ream her tight passage, slowly building up his pleasure. Marie could feel her own orgasm building, fuelled by the pain from her first anal penetration and the shots of pain from her nipples as her head moved involuntarily as he pumped in and out of her. As she felt his seed shoot inside of her she came as well, her stomach turning over in one big orgasm.

  He pulled out of her and came to where her sweat covered head lay on the pillow; she opened her glazed eyes to look into his.

  “Well Miss Jones,” he gave her a smile. “Your first orgasm from pain only, well done.”

  He released her legs and as she lay on the mattress she could feel his come slowly leaking out of her. She had had an orgasm without touching her clitoris, with no vibrators as she was spanked or paddled. She came from just the pain of her nipples and the way he used her like a fuck toy.

  She began to cry again, he released her hands and took her in his arms.

  She put her head on his shoulder. “I...I...I...Thought you hated me,” she sobbed. “You called me a slut, and a blow up doll.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “If you weren’t a slut you wouldn’t be in my bed. Marie, you are not my lover, you are my slave.” He put a finger under her chin and tipped her face up. “You are here for me to use any time I want, that’s all. If you want to be loved go back to your Mistress.”

  “I...I understand M...Master. I am your sex slave.”

  “Tonight you were used the way a true slave should be used. Ignored, used as a footstool, taken for the master’s pleasure, with no consideration of the slave’s pleasure. But you still got pleasure from it. The first of our three trainees I might say. I expect your Mistress will be very pleased with you.”

  “D...Do you r...really think so?” she sniffled.

  “I do, it took her a lot longer to have an orgasm just from the pain and humiliation.” He took her hand, “let’s get a shower.”

  He washed her thoroughly, massaging her nipples when he removed the clamps and wrapping her in a big fluffy towel and sat her on his lap in a comfy chair. “I think you will make a fine tutor, Marie. Tomorrow I am going to have a chat with Sabrina Ogleu and Heather Macleod, you can take Macleod to the orientation room and give her a through spanking and a paddling on your own. You will discuss her attitude with her; she’s being sullen and unco-operative.”

  “Do we know why, Sir?” Marie asked the thought of punishing Heather was making her feel wet again.

  “I believe that Ogleu has told her that her time is up here in a couple of weeks, that is why I will punish her, and she is going to miss her lover. She still has five months left and I want her focused for that time. I believe Sabrina loves her just as much and they will probably be reunited on the outside, but I won’t have a lovelorn ward mooning about the place.”

  “I’ll make sure that she knows that Sir. Knowing what goes on in this place she’ll probably find another lover before the week is out.”

  “What makes you think that, although I don’t disagree.”

  “Heather’s a very shy girl, Sir. She needs someone to hold her every night.” Marie stopped, hoping she hadn’t gone too far.

  “Very good Marie. You are going to be an asset to the Academy.” He pulled tighter onto his lap and kissed her gently.

  He stood up and pulled the towel off her and led her to the bed where he laid her on her back. Her arms went up so he could secure them to the bedposts. “You don’t have to be tied this time, Marie,” he said.

  “If it pleases you Sir, I would like to be tied.”

  He kissed her and fixed her wrists to the post. Starting at her mouth he began to kiss and lick his way down her body until he reached the inside of her thighs where he nipped at the soft skin making her wriggle in her bonds. Then he climbed onto the bed, positioned himself between her legs and entered her.

  Once inside her, he held motionless for a moment. Marie’s legs came up around his waist and her ankles crossed behind him. He built up a slow and steady rhythm, intending to make love to her this time, and with iron determination, he held on for three of her orgasms before coming himself and collapsing on top of her.

  He released her hands. “Well I’m ready for a good night’s sleep, that leaves just one thing left to do I believe Marie.”

  She got off the bed and fetched her cane from the wall, kneeling in front of him she held it out, in both hands, saying; “Will my Master punish me please?”

  He took the cane and bent her over the foot of the bed and laid six crisp hits across her backside, she thanked him for her punishment and he took her in his arms and massaged her throbbing bottom himself.

  Clipping her arms behind her and her legs together he helped her into bed and they fell asleep, Marie relishing the throb of six lines on her backside and the thrill of lying in her Master’s arms.

  Chapter Five


  At the end of breakfast the Headmaster dismissed them to class and told Heather Macleod and Sabrina Ogleu to stay behind. He put them up against the wall, hands on head and waited until the room was empty, except for himself and Marie.

  “Ogleu, Macleod, front and centre, “ he ordered. They moved quickly to take up their places, a neutral look on Sabrina’s face and a worried look on Heather’s.

  He perched himself on the edge of the table and folded his arms, noting that Marie sat alongside him after a moment folded her arms across her chest as well. He allowed them to stand in front of them for several minutes, raising the tension. Sabrina, calmer and more collected, stared straight ahead. Heather, nervous and twitchy, kept blinking and looked from him to Marie.

  He stood up suddenly, making Heather jump.

  “Miss Macleod, go with Miss Jones, Miss Ogleu, follow me.” Marie made for the door and Heather ran to keep up with her. He turned and left, not bothering to check if Sabrina had followed him, he knew she would, and went to his office.

  He stood her, as always with wards who were to be punished, in front of his desk, and ignored her, checking his emails and making her wait. Eventually he looked up.

  “Miss Macleod has been reported as being sullen and unco-operative. Is this because you foolishly told her that you would soon be released?”

  Sabrina gave a little sigh, poor Heather she just wasn’t cut out to be in an environment like this. “It could be Sir, I told her because I wanted her to be ready. She didn’t take it well.”

  “That much is obvious. She thinks you’re deserting her, that you don’t love her anymore, she was just a fling that you will forget as soon as you get on the outside.”

  “She has said that Sir, I’ve told that I will wait for her and I’ll try to be with her when she gets out. But I don’t know where she will be or where I will be for that matter.” Her voice broke a little, she did love the timid little girl very much, but she felt powerless to control what happened after they were released.

  “This regime Sabrina might be harsh but I don’t think it is cruel. I’m very disappointed in you, young lady; I thought you were more intelligent than that. We have had wards build relationships before and we try to accommodate them. We don’t just throw them back onto the street, and look surprised when they end up back here. Once you’ve left here I don’t want to see you again, we try to keep you on the straight and narrow, and we will find you a job and a place to live.”

  He leant back in his chair and went into, what Helen, called his lecture mode. “You, for instance, will be assigned a female parole officer, because you will respond better to a woman then a man. I can arrange tha
t Heather will be assigned to the same parole officer, she can move in with you, she can work at the same place as well if she wants to.”

  “That’s wonderful Sir, can I tell her this?” This place was a series of contradictions. Humiliation and punishment at every opportunity and then this, a job and a place to live.

  “Miss Jones is telling her this at this very moment, and then she will hand out her punishment, as I now plan to punish you for not thinking.”

  Sabrina sighed. “Yes Sir, thank you Sir.”

  “I’m glad you agree that you need punishment. Get over the steps please.”

  Sabrina crossed to the punishment steps, and knelt on the third step up draping her body over the rail so her backside came up to be punished. The height of the steps was such that her buttocks were now level with his waist, the perfect height for punishment.

  He tucked her short skirt up and peeled down her panties. After caressing her and feeling around her pussy for a moment he began to slowly spank her, using big heavy slaps, making her wriggle and gasp, then faster and faster until his palm became too sore to carry on.

  Picking up the leather covered, large paddle, he smoothed that around her glowing buttocks for a moment.

  “Start counting Sabrina, loud and clear.”

  He gave her ten full blooded blows. By the time he had finished she was gasping the numbers out, her teeth grinding and her voice breaking. Her hands hurt where she was gripping the lower rail so hard and the fire in her backside was fogging her brain.

  He helped her stand up and she put her hands on her head and said; “Thank you for my punishment Sir. Please punish me again if I need it.”

  “A well deserved punishment I think, don’t you?”

  “Yes Sir, thank you Sir.”

  “Good, face the wall.” He took his time filling in her punishment record before he said she could move. He watched as she massaged her well shaped, coffee coloured backside, and then pull up her panties and stand in front of his desk again.

  He looked at her and he knew what she was thinking. Would he send her back to class or take her back to class? If she went back to class on her own she would be considered late, just because she had been punished by the Headmaster was no excuse, the logic being that if she hadn’t required punishment then she wouldn’t be late.

  He stood up.

  “Follow me,” he told her.

  Relief flooded through Sabrina, the thought of even an over the knee hand spanking was too much to bear. But they didn’t stop at the classroom; they went to the orientation room. He opened the door and she followed him inside to see Heather standing facing the wall, skirt up, her panties down to her knees and her backside glowing red. Marie, now known as Miss Jones was leaning on the long desk holding a small wooden paddle with a long handle.

  As they entered they both looked towards the door. Heather’s eyes were red with crying and her small frame was still trembling.

  “All done Miss Jones?”

  “Yes Sir, Macleod was just about to thank you me, weren’t you Macleod?”

  Heather turned around and said. “Th...Th...Thank you for my P...P...punishment Miss. Please punish me again if I need it.”

  “I will Macleod,” Marie replied in a strong voice. “Put your hands down.”

  Heather dropped her hands, massaged her sore bottom and then pulled up her panties. The Headmaster told them to follow him and he took them to the classroom where he gave them back to Jemma and Isabella.

  They went back to his office and he asked; “Well, how do you think you got on?”

  They had a long conversation on how she should approach her session with Macleod, before they went to breakfast. “I think it went well Sir, she’s sure Sabrina will wait for her.”

  He brought up the screen for the orientation room and started the recording just as Heather and Marie entered. He pulled her onto his lap and said. “Let’s review your performance shall we?”

  Marie had Heather face the wall, hands on head already snivelling, while she examined the various tools of punishment on the wall. For three minutes she took down a strap, or a crop, or a paddle and slapped it on the shelf below. Every time she did so Heather jumped a little. Finally Marie picked the round wooden paddle with a long handle and told Heather to turn around.

  Her eyes went to the paddle and the tears began to flow. Somehow this punishment was going to be worse because she had always got on well with Marie; she thought she was her friend, another let down.

  “P...Please Marie, don’t beat me,” she bleated.

  Marie stepped forward and slapped her thigh, Heather squealed.

  “You address me by my proper title or I’ll double your punishment and ask the Headmaster to punish you as well, understand?”

  The Headmaster squeezed her leg telling her he was pleased with her response.

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry Miss. Please Miss I’m sorry.”

  “What is wrong with you Heather, you’re sullen and unco-operative.” She put her hand up to Heather’s cheek. “Is this because Sabrina Ogleu is leaving soon?”

  Then tears really began to flow now. “Yes, yes she’s going to leave me just like everybody else.”

  Marie took her in her arms and let her cry on her shoulder. “Everybody else?” she coaxed.

  “My father, my mother, Daniel, they all left me because I was such a horrible person, and Sabrina. She said she’d wait for me, but how will I know where she will be. I’ll be sent back to Scotland she’ll be in Devon. I’ll never see her again.” A whole river of emotion had broken now, her whole body rocked with the force of her tears. Marie stroked her hair and shushed her until she regained some composure.

  “You silly girl, High Heath Academy just doesn’t throw their girls back onto the street and forget them. If you want, the Headmaster will arrange for you to go to Devon and have the same parole officer as Ogleu. Would you like that?

  “Uh huh.”

  Marie wiped her tears away with a hanky. In a sobbing little girl voice Heather said; “Would he really do that Miss, make sure I can be with Sabi?”

  “Of course he will, Heather, he’s not a monster you know. Look how he changed my life.” She pushed her back and smiled at her. “Now let’s get you punished.”

  “Oh! Yes Miss, thank you Miss.”

  Marie moved a chair so she was in front of Heather and sat down; putting her hands on her hips she turned her around and tucked her skirt up. Smoothing her hands up the outside of the girl’s thighs she peeled her panties down to her knees.

  She positioned Heather across her knees and handed her the paddle. Not satisfied with her position Marie put her hand between her legs and pulled her further over her lap, making Heather give a little ‘Oh!’

  Now the ward’s head was almost touching the floor, Marie began to caress her backside, she slapped at her thighs to get more tension on her panties and then began to spank her slowly, first one cheek and then the other. The little squeaks coming from Heather told her that she was having an effect.

  She began to speed up and hit as hard as she could, flattening the flesh on Heather’s backside. When her hand was too sore to continue she smoothed all around the reddened area and her hand came up to probe at her pussy. Heather closed her legs and trapped her hand; Marie pulled it out and slapped her thigh.

  “Open those legs Macleod, if those panties drop then I’ll start again, understood?”

  “Yes Miss, sorry Miss.” She opened her legs, felt Marie take the paddle off her and steeled herself for what was to come.

  Marie brought the paddle down, alternate cheeks, one across the middle, as she had been taught, until she felt like her arm was ready to drop off. Heather’s slim frame was shaking with sobs as she worked, a few days ago Marie would have felt sorry for the quiet girl, but now she was revelli
ng in her power over her.

  When she finally finished she stood her up. Heather lifted her hands and put them on her head. Marie stood face to face with her and looked at her crumpled face, wet with tears.

  “Are you going to be more attentive now, Miss Macleod?”

  “Yes Miss, I will Miss,” she answered through her sobbing.

  “And you understand about Ogleu?”

  “Yes Miss, thank you Miss.”

  Marie leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips. “If you don’t find someone else to hold you at night, I will have you over, okay?”

  Heather began to sob again, and Marie wiped some of the tears from her cheeks. “Oh! Thank you so much Miss.”

  “Then put your nose up against the wall and wait until I tell you that you can move.” Heather shuffled over to the wall, her backside burning and waited for Marie to let her rub the hurt away. A few minutes later the Headmaster and Sabrina entered.

  He stopped the recording and looked at his latest tutor. “Do you feel that she understands now?”

  “I think so Sir.” She dropped her gaze and said shyly; “Did I do alright?”

  “Quite well, Miss Jones, just one criticism. Because you chose the paddle with the long grip, you should have put her over the desk so you had more room to swing it. A paddling over the knee needs a short reach to get the best out of it.” He stood up. “Fetch a short one from the cupboard and I will demonstrate.”

  Marie was a little startled by the sudden change in direction of events; he was going to paddle her. She realised that she wanted this, maybe she felt she needed punishment because of the way she had treated Heather.

  He was sitting on the wooden chair when she turned around, the short leather covered paddle in her hand. He twisted her around, tucked up her skirt and pulled her panties right off, settling her across her his lap and began to paddle her lightly.

  “You see you can get a good swing with the shorter handle.” He suddenly cracked in two really hard strikes. She gave out a little squeal and felt herself getting wetter.