Hard Lessons Page 6
“Alexandra Clouse, as Gym Mistress? I am not sure about that at all. We never did really get that girl under control. If I’m going to run this Academy then all the staff must answer to me, I don’t know if Clouse will.”
“Talk to Lucy about her, she still sees her every so often. She says she has matured quite a bit in the last few years, and she accepts the Governor’s discipline at Holloway. Maybe talk to Jennie as well.”
Jennie Faulkner was the governor of Holloway Prison and an old friend of Helen’s, for a short while they had run ran an S&M club together, before they were both recruited by the Ministry of Justice.
“I’ll make arrangements to visit her; see how she responds to me. When can I see the new institute?” she asked.
“After lunch on Wednesday, I’ve made arrangements to meet the architect and you can give him your thoughts on the interior, anything else?”
“You’re using Donna tomorrow to welcome the new wards?” Helen gave him a look he knew only to well; she thought that someone was trying to cut in on her territory.
He gave out an overly loud hard done by sigh. “Helen you are going to have an entire Academy to play with, Donna is going to be your replacement and I expect you to be professional about this and give her every bit of help that you can, between now and when you leave. Understood?”
“Yes Sir, Headmaster Sir.”
He shook his head and smiled. “I’m sending Yolanda to you tonight, she is supposed to be there at eight thirty, she will be late. I expect she will enjoy that.”
“I will discuss timekeeping with her very seriously.” She got up and he escorted her to the door, as she left he asked Yolanda to bring in the printouts.
He cast an eye over them and looked at the slim masochist in front of him. “Thank you Yolanda, I want you to go to my room,” a big grin spread across her face, “there you will find Isabella, give her a good time as a reward for your punishment this morning.” Yolanda’s expression changed slightly as she thought she might be missing out on a punishment.
“Don’t panic, I have told Matron you will be at her room at eight thirty, it’s eight twenty now, I expect you will be late and she will not be happy.” He couldn’t help smiling as the grin came back on her face. “Don’t let Isabella know it’s you, but I expect to see her covered in sweat when I get there, okay?”
She left the room almost skipping and he turned to his computer and brought up the live feeds to the wards’ dorms.
Yolanda walked down the corridor to the Headmaster’s room with a light heart; Matron would really be annoyed when she turned up late, but first she had to make Isabella come as many times as she could, as a thank you for a good punishment.
Isabella felt the colder air wash across her naked body as the door opened and closed and her muscles tensed when she felt a hand caress up the inside of each leg, then a series of small kisses before a tongue began to lick slowly across the puffy lips of her pussy. It seemed like ages before the tongue probed inside to find her clitoris, as soon as it began to flick back and forth she was hit by her first orgasm.
She wondered who it was, lifting her head all she could see through the bag was the blurred shape of a head between her thighs. As the teeth of her mystery assailant caught and pulled on her little bud another orgasm began to build and she decided that she no longer cared who it was.
The tongue was withdrawn and replied by fingers probing and tickling her most intimate spots, at the same time another finger made its way up her back passage. Straining against her bonds she hit another peak, and then another. She had experienced nothing like this in her short life before, without realising it she was becoming addicted to these intense feelings.
Just as her Master intended.
Finally, whoever it was, she was sure it wasn’t the Headmaster, stopped working on her and planted a big kiss on each thigh and then squarely on the centre of her pussy. The door opened and closed again and Isabella was left alone, covered in sweat, her thoughts a jumble of emotions.
The Headmaster was sorry that he couldn’t watch the spectacle taking place in his room, but he had never had cameras installed in there. However the dorms were proving entertaining.
First he brought up Corina and Amanda’s dorm; they were both naked and lying on top of one of the beds, probably just finished making love. Corina’s hand was resting on Amanda’s backside; Amanda’s head was resting on Corina’s chest one hand idly playing with her nipple.
Amanda Standish was twenty-one years old and born in Surrey to a middle class family, a doctor and his wife who was a nurse. She wasn’t a great looking girl and didn’t have an outstanding figure, but she was empathetic. She felt the pain of those around and tried to help them. This was how she had got into trouble; a boyfriend had money problems and decided to break into a few houses and she drove the getaway car. Obviously not too bright, the first house he broke into was owned by the area’s top policeman who hit him over the head with a truncheon and Amanda was still sitting in the car waiting for him when his colleagues arrived.
She was sent to High Heath and the boyfriend to prison for five years, once he had recovered from falling down several sets of stairs, apparently. She was put in with Isabella and another girl who was released soon after.
She immediately tried to comfort Isabella, but was constantly rebuffed by the self-centred upper class girl. When Corina arrived, a convicted prostitute who had left her young son behind, she found someone who wanted her comfort, and Isabella had two of them against her.
Amanda was much happier now that Isabella had gone and Corina was less stressed as the Headmaster had arranged for her to see her young son, the centre of her universe.
“Mand,” Corina asked. “What do you think is going on with Snooty?”
Amanda shrugged. “I haven’t a clue, one moment she’s everybody’s servant, washing cleaning and general dogsbody, then it looks like she’s been made a tutor. Maybe that Uncle she was always on about pulled some strings.”
“No, He would never have stood for that. We gave her a right hiding last week. He must have his reasons, I guess, I’m sure he knows what he’s doing.”
The Headmaster presumed that by ‘He’, she meant him, he had made a fan by allowing access to her son, even the heavy strap he had laid across her backside a couple of days ago had not dented her admiration for him.
Seeing she was so willing he was going to have a session with her one evening, if he did it tomorrow while he still had Isabella, it would be a lot more fun.
He put the other six screens up and expanded the cameras for dorm one. The three occupants seemed to be having a fight, only shoving and pushing, but tempers were getting frayed. Well he would put a stop to that.
He ran the recoding back to before the little fracas started. The three wards, Alice Poole, Georgina Salmir, and Sonia Andovich had just got changed into their night attire, a very fetching pink top and pants pyjama set, when Poole asked where the skin cream was and Sonia had told her that Georgina had used it all. That had led to ‘an exchange of views’ and the pushing and shoving her had seen.
It seemed Miss Salmir was still a little on the selfish side. Very limited cosmetics were handed out each Monday, one pot of cream per dorm. If Salmir had used up a week’s worth already than she wasn’t taking into consideration the needs of others, one of the core principles they were here to learn.
He would punish all three this evening and have Miss Salmir in tomorrow for a chat.
Getting a strap out of the cupboard he went to dorm one and opened the door with a dramatic crash. All three wards stopped arguing and looked towards the door with shock on their faces.
“Face front, hands on heads!” He barked out orders with such authority that all three obeyed immediately, the short tops of their bright pink sleeping clothes rising up.
“You are her
e to learn how to get on with others and become responsible citizens,” he pulled the strap through one hand and watched as the wards looked at it. “Miss Poole, what is the problem here?”
“Just a small disagreement Sir, nothing to write home about.” Alice’s head came up and she looked straight ahead.
He turned and looked at Sonia. “Miss Andovich, would you agree?”
“Yes Sir.”
“Miss Salmir, do you have anything to add?”
The young Indian girl chewed he lip and glanced at her to companions before speaking. She looked a bit nonplussed, as if she had expected the others to blame her for everything. “No Sir, nothing.”
He felt the hand of the older more experienced Alice Poole in this; hopefully Salmir would recognise what the other two had done for her. They could have blamed everything on her and maybe got off their own punishments, but they didn’t they shared the blame as good citizens should.
“Very well, go and stand by your beds.” The three girls stood, hands still on their heads by their beds, he sat down on the end of Georgina’s and pulled her towards him, pulling down her pyjama pants he put her across his knees and began to spank her slowly and deliberately.
Her tears began to flow immediately and after a couple of minutes she began to wriggle. After what he considered a warm up he pulled her to her feet and told her to place the pillows in the centre of the bed and lie across them. Leaving her there he spanked Sonia and left her in the same position. When he took Alice across his knees, the first time he had punished this particular backside, he was dismayed to see evidence of small scars all over it. He knew that she had starred in several torture films to make money to feed her drug habit and obviously had suffered greatly. But he wouldn’t differentiate between wards so he gave her the same two minutes with his hand and put her in the same position, bottom slightly elevated waiting for the strap to fall.
He went back to Georgina’s bed where she lay, her head turned towards him, a look of worry in her tear filled eyes.
“You will receive three from the strap now, you will count each stroke and thank me for them,” he slapped the inside of Georgina’s thighs so her legs were spread wide. “Is that understood, Salmir?”
She gave a little sob, realising that she had a year’s worth of this sort of punishment to take, but answered in the only way she knew she could. “Yes Sir, thank you Sir.”
He placed a hand in the small of her back and swung the strap down, hard onto the top of her red backside, she gasped out, “One, thank you Sir.” The second came down across the meat of her arse, flattening the flesh there and Georgina gave a little squeal before saying, “Two, thank you Sir.” The last one came in, with unerring accuracy, at the joint between buttocks and thighs. Georgina reared up and spluttered in a voice broken with sobs, “Three, thank you Sir.”
He pulled her arms behind her and made her grip her elbows, telling not to move he crossed to Sonia’s bed and carried out the same procedure. She was more used to this sort of punishment than Georgina; her father had regularly used the strap on her while she was growing up, but even so by the end the tears were beginning to flow. Alice announced each blow in a clear voice and put her arms in position without being told to.
He stood back and looked at the three wards, arses in the air, legs wide open, and let them stew for a moment, before saying; “Right, into bed all three of you and remember what you have learned here tonight.”
As he pulled the door shut behind him he knew where he had to go now.
Isabella was dozing when she felt cooler air wash over her naked body, indicating that someone had opened the door. She had no idea how long it had been since the mystery tongue had brought her so much pleasure. But her limbs were stiff, her mouth was aching from the gag and the bag over her head was plastered to her face from sweat.
She jumped slightly as a hand began to travel up each pinioned leg from her ankle until they came to her sopping wet pussy. A finger was shoved in and then another and another, working in and out until she gave out a muffled scream and lifted herself off the bed orgasming again. Without a chance to collect a breath the weight of the Headmaster came down on top of her as he speared deep into her pussy and, as he sucked and pulled at her sensitive nipples, he slowly fucked her to another orgasm before unloading inside her.
The weight was lifted and the bag pulled off of her head for her to see the Headmaster looking down at her. “I hope you see now how being tied up and blindfolded accentuates the other senses, Isabella.”
She gave a little nod; until he had fallen on top of her she wasn’t sure who was fucking her, until she smelt his scent. The touch on her legs and pussy had felt different as well.
He laid the strap he had used earlier across her breasts and said. “There’s a documentary I want to watch, so keep quiet or I’ll whip your tits raw, understood?”
She nodded again and watched as he put on a dressing gown, made himself a coffee and switched on the T.V., for the whole hour she laid tied to the bed just watching, never taking her eyes off of this man who treated her so badly, and yet so well.
Finally he turned the T.V. off and began to remove her restraints, little spears of pain shot through her shoulders and legs as he helped her to stand up. Once she could move he helped her into the bathroom where, still gagged, she used the toilet and then he led her back to the bed.
This time he laid her face down and reaffixed her bracelets to each corner of the bed. Again the pillows went under her hips, raising her backside into the air.
Isabella steeled herself for another punishment, but instead of that he began to fondle, kiss and stroke her buttocks. He leaned down close to her ear and whispered; “Have you ever been sodomised Isabella, fucked up the arse?”
Her eyes went wide and she shook her head wildly.
“Well it’s time for a new experience then.”
He took out a large tube of gel and covered his index finger with it and then began to lubricate her anus before using her own juices on his prick.
Isabella didn’t know what to do, she had given herself to him to use as he pleased, but she was scared, this was as intimate as it got. She buried her head in the mattress as she felt his finger probing deeply inside her, swirling round and round trying to open up the tight passage.
The Headmaster offered the head of his penis to Isabella’s virgin hole and began a steady push until he was buried deep inside of her. She felt an instant of pain as the invader pushed its way past her sphincter and entered her tightest orifice.
He heard her give out a little sob and gently brushed the hair from her neck and kissed it.
“Shush.... This will help.”
She heard the sound of the buzzing just before she felt the Headmaster’s favourite vibrator, a large green model with a spiral rib that ran the full length, being pushed into her pussy. The Headmaster moved into a rhythm, the head of his prick meeting the head of the vibrator as both were buried as deep as they could go.
With the vibrator attacking her clitoris, and the fact that she was tied up and unable to resist his assault even if she wanted to, Isabella had another enormous orgasm which made her wail loudly behind her gag, just before the Headmaster shot his seed into her back passage.
After a short rest he untied her, but left her gag in, and helped her into the shower where he washed her thoroughly, from her feet to the top of her head. Isabella leaned against the wall of the shower and allowed the Headmaster to do what he wished. She was exhausted by another night in his bed; surely every night couldn’t be like this.
But it wasn’t quite over yet. Her relief when he removed her gag was short lived as soon as she had stretched her mouth and taken a large drink of water, he held up the orange ball and waited for her to lean forward a take it in her mouth, then he secured it tightly again.
Laying her on the floor
at the bottom of his bed, the proper place for a body slave, he fixed her hand and leg manacles to the lower posts, put a pillow under her head and covered her with a sheet.
“Get some sleep Isabella, I expect Miss Harris has a busy day planned for you tomorrow.”
It took a while for her to fall asleep; her bondage wasn’t that uncomfortable but her brain kept analysing her reactions to what she had been put through that evening. Part of her said that she should still be fighting the humiliation and degradation this man put her through, but her body’s reactions said differently.
She wondered who had so expertly brought her off with their tongue earlier in the evening, Mistress Anna, Matron, Mistress Donna?, some how the mystery lover seemed to be less dominant than those people, happy to give her pleasure.
But laying there gagged, bound and blindfold had been so exciting. Left exposed and helpless, anyone could have done anything to her and she had no say in the matter. The ultimate in giving up the control she had craved all her life.
Then this afternoon when she had spanked and paddled Yolanda, she had been just as excited at the use of the control she had been given over another person. She knew she wanted more of that, ordering a ward over her lap and punishing her to tears.
Finally she slipped into sleep still confused as to what she was, a dominant or a submissive? Soon she would realise that, with the right person she could be both.
The Headmaster rested for half an hour, pleased with how the day had gone. Isabella was fast becoming addicted to the feeling she got when being abused, but had taken to punishing Yolanda like a duck to water. He recognised a lot of Jemma in her, happy to be either dominant or submissive.
Well he had deliberately not punished her today, only given her pleasure; tomorrow she would probably get a fair amount of grief from Lucy, but would be ready for more fun and games with him tomorrow night.
He put his dressing gown on and went back to his office, it was only coming up on ten o’clock and he wanted to see what had happened after he had left three chastened wards earlier.