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Hard Lessons Page 22

  Janice’s head spun, Marcus, his sister Wendy, Richard who she had known since childhood and she had recruited into their cause. All in prison, because of her! Now what would happen to her?

  They were going to send her back to the Lodge! She was sure of it, Bilic and Yannik would use her until she could take no more, as their own sex toy. She leapt up, ignoring how stiff she felt and rushed to the door, she had to escape before he sent her back!

  But the door was like the rest in the Academy, a key was needed to get out. “Let me out! Let me out! I won’t go back to them I won’t!” she screamed at the top of her voice.

  The Headmaster got up and went to where she was hammering on the door, wild eyed Janice leapt at him, her fists flying. He grabbed both hands and turned her around, taking her into a bear hug.

  He dragged her back to the mattress and sat down still holding her tight. “Calm down Janice, you’re not going back to the Lodge. I can’t keep you here; the Minister for Justice is coming to pick you up tomorrow. I don’t know what’s going to happen then.”

  He kept his voice quiet and soothing. “The only hope I can give you is that you are right about how corrupt this government is, and eventually it will fall, brought down by the people. It always happens, absolute power corrupts absolutely and one day they will go too far and they will be toppled.”

  Janice’s struggles lessened as she tired. She leaned back against him and tears flowed down her face. “It’s all my fault. It’s all my fault,” she muttered, “all my fault.”

  He held onto her hands and pulled her in tighter. “No, you didn’t know about the hypnotism, very few people do. You were sent in unprepared; this man Powel should never have let you put yourself in this position.”

  The door opened and Helen came in carrying some pills and a syringe. Janice had stopped her struggling and didn’t fight when she opened her mouth, put two tablets on her tongue and poured some water down her throat. The small prick of the syringe into her thigh made her start to struggle again, but the Headmaster held her until she fell asleep. Laying her on the mattress he covered her with the blanket and attached a steel cuff to one leg, snapping the padlock closed he followed Helen back to the infirmary.

  “How long will she sleep for?” he asked.

  “Until morning, but I won’t give her any more sedatives, she had enough of those.”

  “I understand. Give her a shot of Valium in the morning, she’ll need to calm for transport tomorrow. I’ll talk to her again before Chase gets here.” He went back to his office and looked at his list of email contacts, wondering who he could trust to give him the information he wanted.

  He emailed all the parole officers on there, they all knew each other and were a small community on their own, asking them for any rumours they had on where this government were going.

  After dinner he held back Corina and Amanda and told them that ‘Julie’ would not be coming back to their dorm. Corina sensed that something was happening and risked asking what.

  He looked at her, wondering if he should punish her for such impertinence, but knew if he didn’t give some sort of answer then the rumours would begin to fly.

  “She is being transferred Corina. Don’t ask again.”

  “No Sir, thank you Sir, for telling me.” Corina looked at him, she could see that there was more to this than he was prepared to tell, but didn’t push it any further.

  He took them to their dorm and picked up Janice’s clothing and make up and went to the staffroom. He informed the staff of all that had gone on and they dispersed early to their rooms, leaving just Yolanda and Helen.

  Helen sat down on the sofa next to him. “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “I’ve been better. The irony is that Howard and her friends are right. This government is getting out of control, too much freedom is being taken away from the people and it will fall eventually. But too late for that young lady, I’m afraid.”

  “Come and spend the night with me,” she offered.

  He stroked the back of her neck. “Thanks, but you’ve got enough on your plate with Lower Marsh. I’ll look after Yolanda tonight; she knows how to look after me.

  Helen kissed him on the cheek and left, Yolanda came and sat down by his legs and put her head on his knees. Looking up at him she said; “You can beat me really hard tonight, if you want.”

  He ruffled her hair and smiled down at her. “That won’t be necessary Little Minx, your backside is still off limits.”

  She pouted at him. “You could spank my tits, or legs, or whip my back.”

  He lifted her chin. “Or strap your hands, ten on each hand, how about that?”

  Her eyes dropped, but she still said; “If you want to Master.”

  He pulled her to her feet and said; “Let’s just have a quiet evening.”

  They drank coffee and spent the evening watching a film and then he made love to her before falling asleep with her tucked inside his arm. As he drifted off he hoped Howard would be alright, but things were changing and he would have to change with them.

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