Hard Lessons Read online

Page 2

  The next morning Janice woke up to find another guard just standing over her grinning broadly. Her smock had risen up during the night exposing the whole of her lower body, she quickly pulled it down.

  The guard, a bulky man with short hair and very dark skin, laughed. “No good hiding that girl, I saw all I wanted to on the cameras last night. Thanks for the show; it can get pretty boring on nights.”

  Janice flushed red and then was mortified as the guard made the hissing sound she made when she orgasmed. He laughed again and pulled her to her feet; taking her arms he placed the handcuffs on her again, this time in front of her. He lifted each foot and placed a thin slipper on each foot, pushing her from the cell he said, “Right, time for breakfast.”

  He pushed and led her down to a small cafeteria and sat her at a table where two other girls, both wearing the smocks, sat with their hands handcuffed in front of them. Janice went to speak and received a cuff round the head from the guard with the words, “No talking.”

  All she could do was study the other two. The one sat opposite her was a painfully thin white girl with lank, mousy brown hair and dark circles under her eyes. Janice was to find out later that her name was Catherine Pope and she had arrived four days ago from the rehab centre where she had spent the last month going cold turkey get her off her heroin addiction.

  Sitting next to her was a girl of maybe Chinese extraction; her name would turn out to be Mya Chang, she had small delicate features and dark short hair. She had spent less time at the rehab centre as the doctors there only had to deal with various sexually transmitted diseases.

  An insipid looking porridge was placed in front of them and the other two wasted no time in eating, washing it down with water. Janice began to eat hers more slowly; it tasted as bland as it looked. Once Catherine had finished she held up her bowl and looked at the black guard, he sauntered over and stood close to her crotch level with her head.

  “You want some more, girl?” he asked.

  “Yes please Sir,” she answered, dropping her eyes to the floor.

  “Then you know what to do then, don’t you?” The man smiled as Catherine’s hands went to his zip and pulled out his flaccid penis which she began to kiss and lick and as it became harder she slipped it into her mouth and began to suck on it to Janice’s horror and amazement.

  Marcus had once asked her to do this to him but she had thought it was disgusting and refused. Now she was watching the girl in front of her doing it for extra food. She watched fascinated as the guard grunted and shot his load down her throat. She glanced at the Chinese girl too see that see was also holding her bowl up, another guard came over and the same thing happened again.

  Both the bowls were refilled and the two girls quickly disposed of their contents. The black guard looked at Janice.

  “So, want some extras, girl?”

  Janice replied in a shaky voice. “No,” earning her another cuff round the head until she added, “Sir.”

  The other guard zipped himself up and ruffled her hair like she was his favourite little sister. “Well when you get hungry enough we’re ready to help out.”

  The breakfast things were taken away and the guard motioned the girls to get up and follow him, he led them to a communal shower area where he removed their handcuffs and told them to shower. Janice’s heart fell as she saw the other two girls immediately strip off their smocks and enter a shower booth. Janice hesitated and found out what the thin metal batons, that each guard carried on his belt, were for.

  The dark guard unhooked his and touched it to Janice’s thigh, delivering a sharp electric shock. Janice fell to the hard, cold tiles moaning and holding her leg, her eyes blurred with tears.

  Hearing the commotion another two guards came in, one of them the large woman from earlier. She looked down at Janice. “You’re proving somewhat difficult for a thief and a whore.” She reached down and with practiced ease grabbed the collar of the smock and pulled it off in one movement. Then she put the handcuffs back on and dragged her over to a central shower head above which was a large hook hanging down from the ceiling.

  Hooking her cuffs onto the chain the guard stepped back and turned on the water, glancing round she found the other two girls had finished. “You two, wash her.”

  As the other two picked up a bar of soap each and came towards her Janice began to moan and plead. “Please, don’t do this. I can wash myself.”

  The black guard gave a large, tooth filled grin.

  “Too late now Blondie, you’ve really managed to entertain us since you got here.” He moved forward, just outside the spray of water and began to direct the other two with their washing. Janice began to sway back and fro under the two girls’ soapy hands and began to plead even louder. This amused the watching guards even more and they began to make comments on how she moved and call out lewd suggestions.

  When they had finished the guard turned off the water and picked up a towel, then he proceeded to dry Janice’s body, rubbing hard at her tits and pussy. She began to wriggle and sway, trying vainly to get away, but it was a waste of time. Her complaints grew louder and louder until the woman guard reached into a cupboard and pulled out an orange ball gag.

  While the man pinched her nose the woman pushed the gag into Janice’s mouth and clipped it tight around her head. The male guard went back to work, he took one leg and pulled it out at right angles as far as it would go, then rubbed the towel slowly up her leg until he was roughly rubbing her pussy. Then he did the same to the other leg, again rubbing at the distraught girl’s pussy.

  The audience could hear Janice’s breath whistling through her nose as she became more and more agitated. She desperately tried to swing herself away from the guard’s attention but he just pushed deeper with the towel until it was brushing her already engorged clitoris. She screwed her eyes up and tried to fight the sensations she was feeling but it was no use, her forced orgasm broke and she wailed loudly behind the gag.

  There was an ironic round of applause from the watching guards, and one of them said. “Well at least we know she has some passion.”

  The black guard lifted her off of the hook and put her on the wet floor. “You two,” he waved a hand at the other to prisoners, “dry her off properly and get her dressed.” They came forward and helped the sobbing Janice to her feet and took her to where their smocks hung and began to gently dry her properly.

  The guard removed her cuffs and gag and they dried and combed her hair as best they could. Janice said nothing, still shocked by her treatment and coming down from her orgasmic high. Once they were dressed and lined up in front of him the guard replaced their cuffs and motioned Janice to step forward.

  She moved out of the line slowly and reluctantly, wondering what this beast of a man was going to do to her now. He held up the gag. “Open your mouth Gibson; you’ll wear this until I decide you don’t have to anymore.”

  Tears appeared at the corners of her eyes again, she was beginning to realise what she had done. She had put herself into a position where she had no control over what happened to her, she was beginning to understand the other two’s placid obedience. She did as she was told and he secured the gag in place.

  He then led them out of the shower area and into a small ante room that had chairs lined up along the wall like a doctor’s waiting room, like all the doors so far it automatically locked behind them. He waved them into seats and went through another door returning moments later, taking the thin, tired looking girl by the arm he escorted her into the other room leaving Janice and the Chinese girl alone for the first time.

  Janice felt a hand rubbing her leg and looked up to see the girl smiling at her. She leaned in close and whispered. “My name is Mya.”

  Janice tried to smile back as best she could behind her gag. Mya patted her leg again. “It’s been a rough day, the answer is let the guards have th
eir fun. Pick one and fuck him; all men are led by their pricks. Life will be a lot easier if you give them what they want, but I wouldn’t go with the dyke though I’d bet she can be a bit rough. Unless you lean that way of course?”

  Janice shook her head, slightly shocked at the casual way Mya was suggesting that she ‘pick’ a guard and have sex with him just to get an easier life, and as for a lesbian relationship, well she had been educated at a top girls’ school and knew that some of the girls there had close relationships, but had never been drawn that way.

  Mya saw Janice’s eyes widen and laughed quietly.

  “Don’t look so shocked Blondie.”

  Janice’s eyes narrowed slightly, it seemed that she had picked up a nickname.

  “According to Lance, he’s the tall thin guard, we’re only here for a few days and then we get shipped out to a place called ‘High Heath Academy’. Sounds posh but I bet it’s just more of the same.”

  Janice’s spirits rose slightly, she was getting closer to her goal. Once she had the information she needed and told Marcus then he could tell the world and she would happily give evidence against these guards and that fat fool of a solicitor.

  She spent the next twenty minutes imagining how wonderful her revenge was going to be. She was jolted out of her dreams by the door opening and Catherine Pope being led back into the room. The guard took Mya by the arm and led her away.

  Catherine sat down next to her looking slightly dazed and said little. Twenty minutes later Mya was returned and it was Janice’s turn. She was led into the next room, in the centre of which there was a large chair like a dentist’s chair except that there were straps for the arms and legs attached to it, most ominous of all was the obvious head restraint.

  In front of the chair was a table with a computer terminal on it and some other equipment that Janice didn’t recognise. Sitting behind the table were two men dressed in white lab coats and behind them was the doctor from yesterday.

  Janice’s panic began to rise as the guard pulled her towards the chair, but he was too strong for her and within moments he had her strapped by her arms and legs into the seat. He reached behind her head and removed the gag, taking her jaw in one large hand he said; “Behave Blondie, this won’t hurt and you’ll feel a lot better afterwards.”

  One of the techs looked up from his screen. “There’s nothing about her alias being ‘Blondie’ here.”

  The guard reached down and lifted the front of her smock, with her legs strapped wide he displayed her pussy for the others to see.

  The Tech laughed. “Ah! A true blonde, we haven’t seen one of those for a while! Nice.”

  Now the gag was off Janice was about to protest again at her treatment when she felt a needle go into her upper arm. The doctor patted her arm and said; “Just relax young lady, this won’t take long.”

  Janice wanted to say ‘what won’t take long’, but her head became fuzzy and she had to close her eyes or she felt she was going to throw up. The next thing she knew she was being led into her cell. The guard and the doctor were there but her head was still light and the bright fluorescents hurt her eyes.

  “What happened?” she mumbled.

  “Don’t you worry about that,” the guard said, pushing her onto the bed and handcuffing her to the top rail.

  The doctor held out a small pill on the palm of his hand, gripping her jaw he forced open her mouth and put the pill on her tongue. Pouring half a bottle of water into her mouth he tipped her head back and made her swallow saying; “Get a good night’s sleep; you’ve got another busy day tomorrow.”

  While Janice slept an emergency conference was taking place because, although she or the other girls would never remember it, they had been hypnotised and once under had been happy to tell all they knew about drugs, drug dealers, or crimes they had committed.

  Catherine and Mya had informed on every drug dealer and pimp they had ever used. The removal of citizen’s rights from convicted criminals and the development of new drugs had meant that the cleanup of minor crimes had soared.

  However the first standard question to Janice had been, ‘What is your full name?’ and her answer had opened a whole new can of worms. She had answered that her name was Janice Howard and not Julie Gibson and had gone on to reveal the plan put in place by her and her lover Marcus Powell. By the time the session was over they had Powell’s address, the address of the people who had built a new identity for her, where the underground paper, ‘The Truth’, was printed and the names of a lot of minor radicals as well.

  After a short discussion with the Minister of Justice they completed the session as normal by inserting a deeply buried command of calm and peace which would surface when a girl felt at a dangerously low point.

  When the institute programs had started some five years previously there were numerous attempts at self harm and some full mental breakdowns. Hypnotism techniques were now so advanced that no matter how unstable a girl was she would go through her sentence unaware of how she had been changed and accept authority more readily.

  The Minister had come to the court cells to listen to the relevant recordings himself and told the staff there that Howard was to be treated the same as any other prisoner and would be referred to as Julie Gibson on any official paperwork. He would notify the Headmaster at High Heath and the Homeland Security Police would deal with Powell and his associates.

  So when Janice was woken by the thin guard Mya called Lance, all she knew was that she had had a solid night’s sleep and felt refreshed. Later she realised that she had obeyed his instruction to use the toilet in front of him a little too readily.

  She wondered at how much calmer she felt and figured that she knew she was right in what she was doing and that helped her think clearer. The guard knew what had really happened and tested Janice’s new temperament by having her stand in the middle of the cell with her hands on her head.

  He walked slowly around her, sliding his hands up beneath her smock and gently caressing her backside allowing one finger to occasionally probe her anus. As usual the programming worked, while she wriggled as he touched her, she made no attempt to move away. The programming tended to diminish over time, but at the moment Janice was in a very co-operative mood.

  However, the rules were clear, if a girl was prepared to do certain things to get extra favours then a blind eye was turned, but pushing someone into things could get you the sack, and there was no way Lance was going to run that risk.

  He gave a shrug and said. “Hands in front,” putting the handcuffs on he took the gag out of his pocket and held it in front of Janice’s face.

  “Do we need this today Gibson? Or are we going to do as we are told?”

  Janice didn’t want to wear the gag again so she shook her head and said. “I will do as I’m told Sir.”

  The guard put the gag away and patted her on the head. “Good slut, let’s get you some breakfast.”

  He led her to the canteen where Catherine and Mya were already eating their insipid porridge. Mya looked up at Lance and said. “Please Sir, could I have a cup of coffee?”

  He smiled and moved closer.


  Mya’s hands went to his zip and pulled out an already semi hard prick and began to work on it with her lips. He took her head in his hands and began to move it back and forth, fucking her mouth. Janice saw his hands grip harder as he came down her throat. Mya licked him clean and after tucking him away, zipped him up and leaned back expectantly. He fetched a mug of coffee which she took in her hands and sighed.

  The smile Mya gave Janice gave her the impression that she thought that she had done well. Janice mentally shook her head, she would like a cup of coffee herself but no way was she going to lower herself to performing sex acts on a man who had spent the last day abusing her. Just add it to the catalogue of crimes committed that they
would pay for later.

  When they had finished the guard took them into the shower room where the black guard from yesterday waited for them. Janice’s heart sank at the sight of the grinning, bulky guard. This wasn’t going to be good.

  “Hey Lance, I’ll take it from here,” he announced. Lance just shrugged, turned and left. He had had his fun that morning, it was always best if you shared the fun about.

  “No probs, Jacko. I’ll get some breakfast and pick them up in half an hour.”

  One by one he removed their cuffs and told them to get stripped. Janice didn’t argue, she didn’t want a repeat of yesterday; however she was going to be disappointed.

  Once they had hung up their smocks he had Mya and Catherine stand under the central shower head and turned the water on, handing Janice a bar of evil smelling soap he said; “As Chang and Pope were so good as to wash you yesterday I think you should return the compliment, don’t you?”

  Janice looked pleadingly at him but found no pity in his eyes at all. In fact his expression went harder as he freed the shock baton from his belt.

  “I asked you a question, Blondie. Don’t you think you should return the service they gave you?”

  Janice’s eyes dropped to the floor, she knew what she had to say. “Yes Sir.”

  He placed a large hand on her bottom, gave it a light slap and pushed her towards the other two. “Then get going.”

  Janice walked into the falling, lukewarm water and began to get up a lather on her hands. The guard directed the two girls to put their hands on their heads and told Janice to start at the feet of Pope and work her way up; he kept walking round the display in front of him, slapping the shock baton on the palm of his hand as he did so.