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Hard Lessons Page 18

  Janice watched as Amanda sobbed her way through five cuts of the switch. All the staff here were sadists and the government had given them control over all the girls here. She balled her hands into fists; well she would save them all.

  Her eyes locked with Lucy’s, who was experienced enough to know what that look meant, it said you’re not going to break me bitch.

  “Gibson, twenty push ups now!”

  Janice came forward and started her push ups. She was fit, she could do this. The first five went well; she kept her nose out of the mud and tried to control her breathing. But Lucy had other ideas, and wrapped a belt loaded with twenty pound weights around her waist and told her to carry on. Janice began to feel the burn in her arms after another five and she managed two more before flopping face down in the mud.

  In stead of ordering Janice up and to bend over for seven cuts with her switch, Lucy stood over her and began to hit the tops of her thighs.

  “Come on tough girl, another seven.”

  Janice managed another three before collapsing again, Lucy continued to switch her thighs but Janice curled herself into a ball, trying to get some feeling back into her arms.

  The Gym Mistress made a sound of disgust. “Okay, everybody back inside, if this slut enjoys wallowing in the mud so much she can stay here.”

  After a few minutes she realised that she was alone, this was her chance. She got up and dropped the weight belt into the mud, looked around and started to run for the wall. It surrounded the grounds but was only three feet high. She jumped over and looked around again, nothing but fields stretched out before her. Suddenly she realised that she didn’t even know where in the country she was, blindfolded and gagged in a van for three hours, she could be in Scotland, Wales, anywhere. In the distance there was a copse of trees, she would go there and hide until dark, find a big stone and smash this bracelet.

  Tonight she would find a phone and get hold of Marcus, he would come and get her and they would bring this House of Horrors to its knees. She set off as fast as she could go, it was further away than it looked and she was soon panting and had a stitch in her side. Just inside the woods she collapsed and lay taking deep breaths, as soon as she could she crawled further inside and curled up underneath a tree.

  Satisfied she was well hidden, she picked up a rock and pounded away at the bracelet until her arm was bleeding, then she closed her eyes and tried to sleep. She awoke with a start some minutes later, looked up to see the ugly man from yesterday grinning down at her.

  “Hello girly, you lost? Don’t worry Bilic look after you.” Janice looked at him in his hand there was a GPS tracker, it was obvious that he had been sent out to track her down.

  She jumped up and looked around; she had hidden herself in a hollow, the only way out was blocked by Bilic. She flew at him, hoping to batter her way through, but he just side stepped her and stuck out a leg and she fell to the ground hard enough to knock the breath out of her.

  He quickly turned her over and slipped a noose around each wrist and tied her hands at the front, then a noose around each ankle and brought them together and tied them to her hands so she was hogtied on her back.

  “Let me go, let me go,” Janice screamed. “Let me go, I can pay you. Help me escape and I’ll get you money.”

  “Maybe you want to suck Bilic? Give Bilic a good suck and I let you go, maybe.” He loomed over her grinning and fingering the bulge in his trousers.

  “Let me go you ugly piece of shit, I’ll have you arrested if you don’t let me go.”

  Bilic dropped to his knees and gripped her jaw in one hand and pulled her top up with the other. Taking a nipple between his thumb and forefinger he squeezed and twisted it making Janice scream out in pain.

  “You shut up now girly, or Bilic get annoyed,” his hand moved to the other breast and twisted that nipple as well, making her writhe with agony.

  “We wait for Yannik, he bring truck and we take you back to lodge until Headmaster come and get you. You be good and we all have good time together, lots of orgasms for you if you good girl.”

  Fear overwhelmed her and she began to scream at the top of her voice. Bilic pulled a dirty piece of rag from his pocket and jammed it in her mouth. Her sound muted he stood up and looked down on her trying to escape from her bonds, her bra round her neck, her nipples going red where he had pinched them, but he was an expert at tying girls up and she soon exhausted herself.

  “English girls so noisy,” he said, “Romanian girl much quieter and better behaved around men folk, like they should be.”

  Yannik arrived driving a quad bike with a trailer on the back; Bilic picked Janice up by her waist and dumped her in the back, freeing her legs he tied her hands to a rail at the front and they set off to the Lodge.

  As she was bounced about in the metal trailer Janice began to panic, these two could do anything they liked to her, once they got her back to the Lodge. Her only hope now was that the Headmaster would come and rescue her.

  Yannik stopped the bike and untying Janice’s hands he threw her over one shoulder and took her inside, down a set of steps to the basement. In the centre of the basement hung a steel chain with a pair of leather wrist cuffs attached. Not saying a word and with Janice screaming behind her gag, he put the cuffs on Janice and dropped her on the floor, he cut the ropes on her ankles and went over to a corner of the basement where he pushed a button and, with a whirring sound, the chain began to lift the tied girl to her feet.

  As this was happening Bilic arrived, knocking the mud off his boots. He came up to Janice, who struck out with her now free feet, he easily avoided them and stepped in close so she had no room to move. He removed her trainers and socks and then gripped her shorts and pulled them off in one move.

  He attached cuffs to her ankles which had short chains hanging from them, and he linked the chains to ring bolts buried in the concrete floor. Yannik pushed the button again and her body was lifted until the chains on her legs were tight, and her body was taut in her bonds.

  With Bilic in front of her and Yannik behind her they began to run their hands all over her body. “You very dirty girly, we give you wash because we like you.”

  He ran out a hose and turned the cold water on the muddy girl hanging from the ceiling; once she was soaked they began to rub her down with cloths, both men going for her most intimate parts. Then they dried her off, Yannik spending several minutes drying her breasts while Bilic rubbed her pussy and carefully dried in between the cheeks of her backside.

  Janice swung and moaned behind her gag. It was beyond belief what was happening to her, where was the Headmaster why hadn’t he come for her?

  Bilic and brother stood in front of her again. She was hanging with her feet about a foot off of the floor, the strain on her shoulders was beginning to hurt, and she could feel her hands going numb.

  Bilic rubbed his thumb up and down her pussy lips. “Girly very blonde, very nice.” His brother giggled and placed a finger there as well. Janice began to writhe in her bonds, and tried to scream at them from behind her gag.

  “She very tight,” Bilic said as he slid a finger into her defenceless pussy, “make good fucking, Yannik.” His brother giggled again. “We like you girly, we give you nice time.”

  He disappeared for a moment and returned holding a plastic vibrator, which he turned on and began to insert into her pussy. Janice began to twist as far as she could, but the plastic invader was soon fully buried inside of her. Grinning widely Bilic began to masturbate her and Janice moaned behind her gag, desperately trying to hold back the feelings the vibrator was causing.

  Yannik giggled and began to clap his hands as Janice lost her battle and an orgasm came over her.

  “My go, my go!” he said, and Bilic handed him the vibrator, a few minutes later she was convulsing again. Her head fell forwards, tears coursing down her che
eks. This could not, should not, be happening to her. The knot in her stomach tightened, she was frightened of what they would do to her, the brother, Yannik, seemed like a simpleton, he might kill her.

  Through her tears she saw another shape standing to one side, watching the actions of the two brothers. It was the Headmaster; she began to beg from behind her gag to save her, but he just stood and watched as Bilic took back the vibrator and looked closely at it.

  “Look Yannik, girly make toy all wet. Bilic knows what to do with this.” He went behind her and pulled the cheeks of her backside apart and began to push it into her back passage. Janice began her muted screams again, but it made no difference to Bilic who pushed the vibrator in as far as it would go.

  As Bilic came to stand in front of her again he saw the Headmaster standing watching, he gave a big grin and said. “Hey Boss, girly all clean now and we give her nice time, but she don’t seem to like.”

  He stepped forwards and stood in front of Janice who began to beg and plead from behind her gag. “I think she enjoyed it more than she’s prepared to tell, Bilic. You had better let her down; her hands are beginning to go blue.”

  Bilic pushed the hoist button and Janice was let down to kneel on the floor. She groaned as the weight came off of her arms and tried to curl into a ball, but her legs were still being forced open by the ring bolts set in the floor. She looked up at the figure of the Headmaster standing over her, mumbling incoherently behind the dirty rag tied around her mouth.

  He untied the gag and she spat it out. “Help me; get me out of here, please.”

  “If you want to go back to the Academy so much why did you leave? Rule fourteen clearly states that, ‘a ward may not leave the grounds unless escorted’.”

  “Please, please Sir, don’t leave me here with them!” Janice beseeched him, tears flowing unchecked down her cheeks.

  He knelt down and put his hand on one of her wet cheeks. “Julie, when you get back to the Academy you will receive a serious punishment; I’m going to leave you here overnight to think about what you have done.” He stood up.

  Janice wailed. “Noooo! No, please I’m sorry; I’ll take any punishment you say. Don’t leave me here!”

  “Bilic and his bother know the rules.” He looked at the grinning Bilic, “You understand that, don’t you Mr. Bilic?”

  “Oh yes Headmaster, we just play nice games with girly. Fun stuff, we look after her good.” It was much easier in Romania; you just took what you wanted. Of course that was what got them into trouble in the first place, playing with the daughter of the local warlord meant they had to run to Britain. Then they had got into trouble again and were going to be deported when the Headmaster offered them this position.

  They knew the rules, and they knew that they were watched by cameras placed all over the Lodge. The girl had to ask to be fucked and Bilic knew a thousand ways how to make them ask.

  “You do of course have my permission to punish Gibson if she is awkward.”

  “No, no, no!” Janice wailed, “they’ll kill me. Please take me with you, don’t leave me here.”

  “I will pick you up after breakfast Gibson. At least while you’re here you can repay Bilic’s hospitality by doing some cleaning for them.” The Headmaster turned and walked away, Janice tried to follow him but her leg irons pulled her up short and she was left face down on the cold concrete floor shouting after him.

  “You can’t leave me here, please, please, don’t leave me!”

  The door shut behind him and she collapsed prostrate and crying. Bilic loomed over her and she tried to edge away as far as the chains would allow.

  “You be good girly now and we not whip you too much.” Yannik removed her ankle cuffs and as soon as she was free Janice scuttled across the floor to the door. It was locked, and at a signal from his brother Yannik crossed over and took hold of her hair, wrapping around his fist and dragged her back the centre of the room.

  He put her on her back and Bilic squatted down on top of her, driving the breath from her body. Yannik handed him a leather collar which he fixed around her neck, next they removed the hand cuffs and replaced them with wrist straps. Bilic spun her over and fixed her hands to her collar, high up her back, then pulled on them to stand her on her feet.

  “Now,” he said, gripping her cuffs and pulling them as high as they would go, making her scream out in pain. “You been naughty girly and need spankee.”

  He dragged her over to a bench, sat down and put her in between his knees; forcing her over one knee of his dirty trousers he began to spank her backside. There was no sophistication with Bilic he just hit as hard as he could, dead centre, with hard, work calloused hands.

  Putting one hand in between her legs he grabbed her pussy and lifted her further over his knees and then slapped her thighs until she was babbling in pain and shock at the attack he unleashed on her.

  When he finally stopped he plunged three meaty fingers inside of her.

  “Feel good now girly. You like this don’t you, make you wriggle, wriggle.”

  “Stop, stop, please stop.” Janice pleaded as a familiar feeling came over her. She came laying across Bilic’s dirty trousers, her head down and crying tears of humiliation.

  “Yannik’s turn, Yannik’s turn!” came the horse voice.

  Janice was pulled up by her arms and passed over to the excited brother, turned over his knees he began to spank her backside and then her thighs down to her knees. The skin was bright red and the pain finally caused her to faint and hang limply, her head down and small moans coming from her mouth.

  A bucket of cold water was dumped on her head, she had no idea how long she had been out, but her arms had been unclipped from her collar, and she lay on the cold floor.

  She looked up to see Bilic grinning at her. “Girly get up and put on new uniform and then she clean good.”

  She curled herself into a ball and groaned, this was a nightmare that never ended. Bilic reached down and pulled her hair. “Girly not do what she told then get more spankee, girly want more spankee?”

  “No, no please no more.” Janice sobbed; she couldn’t take any more pain.

  “Then put on new uniform or get spankee. Move girly!”

  Janice looked at the clothing lying on the bench. It was a classic French maid’s uniform, she picked it up and gave another sob, more humiliation. She glanced at Bilic and the eager looking Yannik and stepped into the dress, it didn’t even cover her bottom and as Bilic zipped it up it a bodice pulled in and pushed her breasts up until they threatened to pop out. It was black with a low cut front and a white trim all around it. The material was very thin and her nipples poked through it easily.

  She was then handed a pair of high heeled shoes and told to put them on. When she stood up she fell to the floor, Yannik laughed as if he had never seen anything so funny. Bilic pulled her to her feet and held her arm as he took her out of the cellar and into a kitchen/living room area.

  The kitchen was in a state; there were dirty plates, cups and pots everywhere. Bilic gave her a push towards the sink and she tottered over.

  “Girly do washing up, then clean kitchen, or get more spankee.”

  Her head down and spirit broken for the moment Janice began to scrape weeks old food off the plates and rub them with a smelly, dirty wash cloth. Bilic disappeared and Yannik sat at the rubbish strewn table and watched her as she tried to clean the dishes. His eyes followed her everywhere and she sobbed quietly as she worked. When Bilic returned and replaced him she just ignored him and carried on working, tuning out the knowledge that this nightmare was far from over.

  It took her over an hour to clear the sink and when she turned around to start on the table she found both the brothers sitting there dressed only in dirty tee-shirts and boxer shorts. Both were demonstrating what effect her dress was having on them, large bulge
s in their shorts gave them away.

  She put her head down and got on with cleaning the table, shivering a little, tears running down her cheeks. She was clever enough to realise at some point they were going to give her a choice. Take another beating or perform for them sexually, she didn’t know what she was going to do, she was at the mercy of these two animals and she did not want to be punished again. Her sprits rose again as she knew who to blame, the Headmaster.

  It was his fault she was here, he could have taken her away but he didn’t. Whatever happened to her was his fault, not hers. She lifted her head and straightened her back. The game wasn’t over yet, her first attempt at escape had failed, but they couldn’t keep her here forever.

  When the table was cleared and she had rubbed it down with the dirty cloth, it didn’t make a lot of difference really, the brothers were more interested in looking down her cleavage and up her skirt at her dark red backside and the blunt end of the vibrator which still stuck out of her bottom, than in actual cleanliness, Bilic crossed to the fridge and pulled out two pre-packed meals.

  “Girly now cook for Bilic and Yannik, like good maid. But first you have pretty tits, we like to see them.” He put a large dirty finger in the vee at the front of the dress and ripped it open, spilling out Janice’s breasts. Yannik grabbed them and began to squeeze them, grinning foolishly at his brother.

  She pulled away with a sound of disgust and Bilic, moving fast for such a big man, whipped his hand around and slapped her face hard enough to cause her to fall on to her backside on the floor.

  He reached down and grabbed her hair and pulled her back to her feet, retaining his grip he shook her head, making her cry out. “You never insult my brother like that, you hold your tits up and offer them to him or I take stick to your arse and peel the skin off.”

  It had been made very clear to him what would happen if he ever beat the girls so badly, or allowed his brother to get out of control, but the wards didn’t know this. He dragged Janice by then hair over to where Yannik sat.