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Hard Lessons Page 12
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Page 12
They all came at almost the same time and collapsed on the bed together. He fell back on the bed panting, one white girl, one black girl, lying in each arm.
They lay there, eyes closed, for ten minutes. Corina, her head on the Headmaster’s shoulder, her hand on his chest, opened her eyes and looked at Isabella, her eyes were closed, looking so peaceful, and she felt a little jealous.
She had changed from the arrogant, demanding girl she had been, she seemed so content in her new life, she had found her niche and was happy there.
Isabella opened her eyes and smiled at Corina and then indicated silently to move down the Headmaster’s body. With small kisses they worked their way down to his crotch and began kissing and licking at his penis. It soon began to grow and they moved up and down it. Every time they got to the end they would meet in a deep kiss and then start again.
He came out of a light doze to look down his body to find two heads bobbing up and down. He reached down and pulled Corina off and back up the bed, Isabella swung her legs over and impaled herself on his now rampant prick, and he positioned Corina over his face so she was facing Isabella and set to work with his tongue. Isabella moved slowly up and down, gripping Corina’s arms and French kissing her, while he nipped and flicked at her clit. The two girls peaked a couple of times before he ejaculated inside his latest slave.
He glanced at the clock; they had been at this for over an hour and a half, that was enough sex for anybody, well maybe not Yolanda. He took them into the bathroom and they washed each other thoroughly. He had Isabella dress Corina, both giggling like school girls as they did so.
He looked at Isabella and said; “What happens now Isabella?”
She bit her lip and crossed over to the wall where her cane hung. She had been given this cane to present to masters or mistresses that she had been lent to, so they could punish her at the end of each session.
She knelt and held out the cane, strangely embarrassed at doing this in front of Corina, and said; “I need to be punished, Sir.”
“Thank you Slave, bend over and count the strokes.”
Isabella bent and gripped her knees and counted the strokes off in a clear voice, he didn’t lay them on hard, leaving only light welts on top of the earlier marks from the switch.
He handed the cane back to Isabella and she turned and knelt in front of Corina and repeated her request. Corina looked at the Headmaster for guidance.
“A slave has asked you for punishment, it’s up to you if you hand it out or not. Has Isabella been cooperative?”
“Yes she has Sir; I think I don’t want to punish her.”
“A good choice I think Corina. Isabella, return the cane to the wall.”
He made Isabella kneel in the middle of the room and fixed her wrists to her ankles again and then offered the gag up to her mouth. Looking directly at Corina, as if to say, ‘see how I’ve changed’, Isabella opened her mouth and moved her head to collect the gag from the Headmaster’s hand.
He escorted Corina back to her room, at the door she said; “What do you want me to tell Mandy, she’s bound to be curious, and the new girl as well I suppose?”
“I shouldn’t worry about Gibson, she’s probably still in shock, you remember what orientation’s like.”
Corina did, she kicked up a fuss about the guards as well and spent time on the frame as a result.
“Yes she said she didn’t like the pervs in the van?”
He shrugged. “Don’t commit crimes, don’t lose your rights and the law will protect you.”
She gave him a wry smile and he opened the door. Dressed in her pyjamas Amanda almost jumped off her bed as Corina came in. He was surprised to see the list of rules in her hands. Well, he supposed, when you were confined to a room for three hours a night with absolutely nothing to read or do, you would read the back of the skin cream tube.
As he closed the door and made his way back to the waiting Isabella he wondered if they were missing a trick here. If they put especially chosen books in the dorms, the wards would at least end up reading educational literature. He would recommend it at the next governors’ meeting, although he would probably have to compromise and include the Bible.
Isabella was exactly where he left her, he deliberately ignored her; she could wait until he was ready, but he could feel her eyes following her around the room as he got ready for a good night’s sleep. Finally he came over and looked down at her.
Her stomach knotted as she waited for him to speak, now he would tell her how she had performed this evening, if he wasn’t pleased he would punish her, the punishment however harsh, she would be happy to take but the thought that she had disappointed him, and by extension her Mistress, truly did upset her.
He smiled and her worries vanished. “You have done very well, Issi. Did you enjoy playing with Corina?” She nodded her head enthusiastically. “Good! As a reward you can sleep in the bed tonight, secured and the gag stays in place, okay?”
He freed her wrists from her ankles and laid her on one side of the bed and then fixing her wrists to the top rail and her ankles to the bottom rail, not very tight so she could turn over and sleep on her side, he climbed in beside her and pulled the sheet over both of them. Kissing the back of her neck he wrapped his arms around her waist and prepared to sleep.
Chapter Four
He was up early the next day and got to the showers just as the wards were arriving. All except the new wards carried their laundry with them which they put in large baskets; they stripped off their uniforms and put them in as well. He smiled as Janice, Catherine and Mya milled around nervously wondering if they were doing wrong.
He took pity on them and came up behind, when they registered his presence a worried look came across all three faces. “Gibson, Pope, Chang, your clothing is good for another week. Your dorm mates told you where to put dirty underwear?” They nodded mutely.
“I’m sorry, have you lost your voices?”
In unison the three wards answered; “Yes Sir.”
“Better get stripped and get in the showers. You don’t want to be late for breakfast; I expect you can work out what happens if you are.”
He stood barely a foot from them as they took off their uniforms, hung them on the hooks, picked up a bar of soap each and entered the shower. All three backsides clearly showed the abuse they had suffered yesterday as they walked away, which reminded him of another way to humiliate them.
Janice walked into the communal shower, a row of shower heads stretched across a large tiled alcove. All the wards showered together, in full view of the watching staff. With twenty girls in there they had to stand close together to get washed. The water started and Janice was not really surprised to find it was only lukewarm and that the soap had no scent to it at all.
Once she had washed she picked up thin, scratchy towel and dried herself off, she waited in line for a blow-dryer and Amanda, who had short hair, helped her with her longer blonde hair. While the others went off to pick up their fresh clothes she, Mya and Catherine went back to where they had left theirs, the Headmaster was still there waiting for them.
“All three of you stand on the bench.”
They hesitated only a moment but he came in fast and gave each of them a hard slap on their bottoms. “Forgotten rule one already, girls? Up on the bench now!”
They quickly climbed onto the bench and he told them to lift their arms high, their backsides were now level with his face. Once he was happy that they were stretched out he examined their backsides, one by one. The bruising was most obvious on Janice, but that wouldn’t stop him handing out punishment later on if she couldn’t recite the rules from memory.
All new wards had a continually sore arse for the first week or so, punishment generally tailed off after that. It usually increased again after six months, as the
ward became careless. Familiarity breeding contempt, as the saying went.
Some of the other wards glanced across at the three girls having their backsides closely examined by the Headmaster, but quickly looked back. They had all been there at some time or other.
He gave each one a light slap and told them to get dressed. Once they were all lined up they progressed in single file back to their dorms to deposit their fresh clothing. At the entrance to the dining room he directed the new wards inside and told them to sit down, the other wards filed in and sat as well, hands on the long tables, in complete silence.
The nominated wards delivered breakfast to the tables and placed them in front of the girls. Janice glanced around and noted that nobody moved to start eating, one girl stood up and recited an adapted form of grace, thanking the Headmaster and his staff for their efforts in turning them into good citizens.
The Headmaster gave his permission to start eating and the wards ripped off the tops of the trays to reveal, porridge, yogurt, some fruit and a small bottle of water. Catherine had a plastic glass full of what looked like a milkshake, her nutrient drink, she sipped at it and found it tasted bland and was so thick it was difficult to swallow. But it had been demonstrated what happened to wards who did not finish the food in front of them so she finished off and then ate the breakfast in front of her. By the time she had finished it all she felt bloated and uncomfortable and just hoped that she didn’t have to drink one of those at every meal.
Once the meals had been finished the wards followed Donna and her two assistants to the small chapel for Sunday service.
The rest of the staff dispersed, Matron was going to visit her mother, Anna and Tanya would spend their free time together. Yolanda followed him back to his office, as he opened the door to his office she said; “Look Sir,” he turned around to see the slim girl standing there with her skirt pulled up around her waist.
“I learned my lesson, Sir.” She proudly displayed the panties she was wearing.
“You are a brazen little hussy, Minx. Come in here at once.”
Yolanda gave a little gasp, had he forgotten that she wasn’t to be punished for a couple of days? She stood herself in front of his desk, hands on head like a proper penitent, while he went into the cupboard and came back with a thick tawse.
Giving a little squeal of pleasure she bent forward over the desk and began to pull down her panties.
“Pull those up and come here.” Once he had her stood in front of him he spoke sternly to her.
“I told you, that little bum of your needs time to recover. Hold out your right hand, palm up.”
“Oh please Sir I don’t like hand punishment,” Yolanda whined, not role playing for once. She detested having the strap across her palms; it was so impersonal, really painful and there was no orgasm at the end.
“Yes I believe I knew that Little Minx. Two strokes on each hand and then you can type up a full report on the new wards before lunch, or you’ll get another two strokes. Understood?”
“Yes Sir, thank you Sir.” Yolanda held out her right hand, palm up and then placed the other hand underneath it, as support.
The Headmaster laid the tawse on the hand and then lifted it shoulder high before bringing it down hard. Yolanda screeched and a board red stripe appeared across her palm. “Owww, owww, owww! One thank you sir.”
She moved her left hand on top and he lined up his next strike. The tawse made a thwacking noise, and Yolanda hopped around as she absorbed the pain.
“Arrgh! Two thank you Sir.”
Back on top went the already sore right palm and Yolanda squinted through tear filled eyes as the tawse went up and fell with unerring accuracy across her hand. Breath hissed through teeth as she said; “Three, thank you Sir.”
She curled her right hand into a fist and placed in under her left hand and held it out for the Headmaster to punish. She watched the end arch up and over and closed her eyes as it struck her palm.
“Oh, oh, God. Four, thank you Sir.”
“Hold them out, young lady, let’s see the damage. “ Yolanda held her hands out and he examined them closely before he let her rub them together. She hissed quietly as she did so, that was so more painful than she remembered. This man was always one step ahead of her; she really did love him so. Now she would have to type with her palms singing and glowing.
He took a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped away the tears running down her cheeks.
“That’s how you’re going to be punished for the next three days, so I would think carefully before misbehaving young lady. Now go and type up those reports.”
“Yes Sir, thank you Sir.” Yolanda went and sat down at her desk, flexed her hands and stared at her keyboard for a moment. She desperately wanted an orgasm, just being treated like a little girl made her wet, but her hands were too sore for even that, as that wonderful, cruel, sadistic man knew. She sighed and began to type, making four mistakes in the first line.
The Headmaster sat down in his chair with a big smile on his face, hopefully that would help Yolanda control herself for a few days, and he must use hand punishments on the wards more, a much under-appreciated form of punishment in his opinion.
He turned on the T.V. and put up the empty dorms, selecting Mya’s new dorm he began at nine fifteen the previous night just after he dropped her off. She stood just inside the door, her arms full of packages, and a woebegone look on her face.
Sabrina came over and took the packages off her and put them on the spare bed.
“Hello Mya, I’m Sabrina and this is Heather. “ Mya answered her with a little sob. “Let me guess, spanked and paddled already?” Mya nodded. “Groped in the van?” Mya nodded again. “Thought it would be easier here than in prison?” Mya nodded again and began to cry.
Sabrina took her into a hug, which Heather joined in with as well, and Mya began to sob loudly. “I gave that fat bastard a blow job, because he said it would be easy here, nothing about four years probation either.”
Sabrina patted her back. “Don’t worry about it; almost every girl here has been taken in by that wanker. He’s the brother of the Justice Minister you know.”
“I don’t give a fuck who he is; if I see him again I’ll kick his balls down his fat throat.”
Heather giggled. “It’s a long queue. Is your bum sore?”
“God yes, I’ve been spanked and paddled before, but nothing like that man did. Still poor old Julie got it a lot worse, she complained about the guards in the van. He had her strapped over a frame and whipped her arse good, in front of the pervs as well.”
“Yeah, the Headmaster likes to show the wards how having no rights affects them. Basically it’s open season on us for men like them, we all had it dome to us,” Sabrina said.
“When I arrived,” Heather said softly. “Jane Turner actually attacked one of the guards, knocked him to the floor with a punch. Matron strapped her to the frame, gave her ten with that spanker thing and then let the guard hand spank her as well. Don’t ever cross Matron, she hits harder than the Headmaster.”
“The old woman in the clinic thing? She shoved her fingers so far up my arse I thought she’d lose her watch. This place is full of perverts. I was paddled by a girl no older than I am, what’s that all about?” She fell face down on the bed and her bravado broke and she began to cry, “I don’t want to be here!”
Sabrina put an arm around her shoulders. “But you are here, for a year, all you can do is try to ride it out. As for ‘Miss Jones’, she was a ward here until a couple of days ago, now we have to call her Miss.” She lifted her skirt and looked at Mya’s battered backside, “Heather, get some cream and put it on Mya’s bum.”
Heather fetched the tube of cream and pulled down Mya’s panties and started to rub the cream on her.
“Ohh! That’s good,” she sighed.
nbsp; Sabrina continued. “The girl who’s bed that used to be was our friend, she tried to escape, got caught, was caned in front of all of us and a week later she’s a tutor and spanking Heather.” She paused and began to put cream on the tops of Mya’s thighs, who relaxed and began to sigh. “The other new tutor is a stuck up bitch we called ‘Snooty’. She spent last week as a servant, she had to wash us in the shower, clean up after us, this afternoon she laid a strap across Heather’s backside, and the cow enjoyed it as well. I don’t know what’s going on, I’m just glad that I’m out of here soon.”
Heather gave a little sob, and glanced at her lover, with a sad look on her face. Sabrina wiped her hands and took her lover into her arms. “Shush Kitten, as soon as you’re out we’ll hook up again, I promise.”
He stopped the recording; he had seen enough to know that Chang was all talk, and would probably not be a lot of trouble, and now he knew why Macleod’s attitude had gone downhill. He was a bit upset that the wards thought that Helen hit harder than he did, but the remark about, ‘the old woman in the clinic thing,’ was amusing. Maybe he should play it to her, just to wind her up.
Then again maybe not. In the first year they were open a ward made a similar remark and he found her in the grounds, a big breasted Australian girl called Emily Schmidt, dressed up like a pony, complete with tail shoved up her backside, and being whipped around in a circle by Helen.
He had to forbid Helen from doing that again, but the girl was totally submissive for the rest of her sentence.
He watched the recording from Pope’s new dorm, basically the same; she ranted a bit, cried a bit, then Short and Murphy covered her bum in cream and she calmed down. There was an amusing moment when Catherine opened the rest of the packages, the sportswear and the nightwear, with a small basic make up kit.