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Hard Lessons Page 11

  Marie sighed and relaxed. Punishment from her beautiful Mistress would be lovely. She wondered what their relationship would be if - no when - she became a tutor. Would they be friends, lovers, colleagues?

  He told her to return to the orientation room and help Donna; she glanced at Yolanda as she passed her desk, she smiled back at her, and Marie couldn’t help blushing after the spanking she had given her.

  Yolanda was a little disappointed that her Master hadn’t called her in to use her, but she had been promised punishment by Tanya Wilson, so the day wasn’t a total bust. Her hand went down under her skirt as she thought about an upcoming spanking, she was still not wearing panties, hoping for punishment, she came in a series of little grunts and sighed as she sucked her own fingers clean and went back to her work.

  The Headmaster worked at his own desk, checking his emails, one from the Minister gave him a new file on Janice Howard, aka Julie Gibson. He sent it to Yolanda with instructions to print out a hard copy. He would have to pick the right moment to reveal what he knew to Howard, let her think she was fooling everybody and then strike hard.

  At six o’clock he returned to the orientation room to find the wards still silently studying the rules. He told them to pick up their clothing, bring their list of rules with them and follow him. First stop were the toilets, where he allowed them five minutes, informing them that there were no toilets in the dorms. Again they were humiliated as there were no doors on the cubicles and he walked up and down as they did their business, then he led them to their allocated dorms, to meet their new dorm mates.

  The first dorm they came to was occupied by Sabrina Ogleu and Heather Macleod. As he opened the door without any warning he found Heather sitting on Sabrina’s lap, engaging in a deep kiss. As he entered they both stood up, as they should, and Heather blushed a deep red colour.

  “This is Mya Chang, she has just joined us, and she has had a tough day so look after her.” With that he just shut the door behind him; he did not feel the need to say any more. Sabrina had welcomed several girls and been welcomed herself. You said hello, comforted them, showed them where to sleep, warned them how they should act, they rarely listened, and showed them what to do in the morning.

  He planned to check all the recordings from the three dorms he was dropping wards off at later, next was Catherine Pope being left with Marie’s old dorm mates, Keelah Murphy and Jamila Short.

  Lastly he opened the door to Corina James and Amanda Standish. He pushed Janice through the door and looked at the two wards just standing up.

  “This is Julie Gibson; she has just joined us, look after her,” he caught Corina’s eye, “Miss James, I will come for you in two hours, be ready.”

  Corina’s stomach gave a little lurch; she didn’t know why he was coming for her, but he had become a bit of a hero to her since he had allowed a visit from her son. She wouldn’t put that arrangement at risk even if he wanted to string her up and whip her, so she answered, “Yes Sir,” and left it at that.

  He closed the door behind him and put an arm around each of the tutors. “Well, that’s them settled for the night. Donna, you will be taking Sunday service tomorrow, I will come by and afterwards we will test our new wards on the rules. Be sure to collect the crib sheets off them before they shower. Now I’ve sent out for pizza, if you go down to the main entrance it will arrive anytime now.”

  He made his way to the staff room where the staff was gathered and sure enough five minutes later Donna and Marie came in carrying several pizza boxes. Marie, Tanya and Isabella looked on the pizza with wonder; it was ages since they had tasted anything other than the bland food served here.

  They were ecstatic when Isabella was told to hand out plates to everybody, along with a cup of tea. It was a feast fit for kings. They sat together on the sofa, still not sure of their position in the hierarchy of the Academy, but a little more comfortable than they had been.

  The Headmaster took reports from his staff, all the normal day to day goings on, and then he asked Anna how her day had gone.

  “Fine Sir, except some trouble with Heather McLeod, all through class she was surly and unco-operative. Tanya had to punish her twice.”

  The whole room looked towards Tanya who blushed at the memory of punishing the quiet, shy Heather. Although the feeling of power she got with the slim girl dangling over knees and the white skin of her backside changing colour under her slaps and paddle, had quite excited her.

  “Yes,” Lucy spoke up, “she had the same attitude this afternoon as well. I had Isabella use the strap on her.”

  They all looked towards Isabella, who didn’t blush; she had loved giving McLeod the strap, listening to her yelp and squeal as she swung in the leather.

  The Headmaster motioned with his hand for Isabella to stand up and come closer.

  “What else did you do today, Isabella?” he asked her once she was standing alongside him.

  “I worked out in the gym with Miss Harris, Sir.” He turned her around and lifting her skirt he pulled her panties down a little to see a series of thin red stripes, a sure sign that Lucy’s switch had been in use.

  “Was it a good workout Miss Harris?”

  “Oh yes Sir, I learnt a lot, and so did Isabella.” The toned Gym Mistress smiled back at him innocently, he would have to find time to chat with her, maybe this time in his play room.

  “Well thank you ladies, but before we turn in for the night, Yolanda front and centre,” Yolanda almost bounced into position and put her hands on her head.

  “Pull up your skirt please.”

  Yolanda lifted her skirt high and then turned 360 degrees to demonstrate to everybody that she was wearing no panties.

  “Miss Davies, perhaps you could instruct Yolanda that she should be wearing panties at all times, I’m sure Tanya could do with some more practice.”

  “Of course, Headmaster,” Anna came forward and gripped Yolanda’s ear, as she pulled her towards the door Yolanda complained. “It’s not fair, I couldn’t find any panties.”

  “Donna will be taking service tomorrow; Miss Parker-Davies will assist her and Miss Jones. Unless anything unusual happens, the rest of you enjoy your morning off, good night to you all.”

  There was no set rota for cleaning on a Sunday; all the wards did the cleaning. One who was already on his mental list was Mya Chang; she would spend an hour cleaning the showers, pulling hair out of the drains and scrubbing the walls. He would definitely set the other two new girls to work as well.

  Isabella followed him to his room and as soon as they got inside he told her to strip off and kneel in the centre of the room. She did as she was told and he disappeared for a moment and returned with various straps which he put around her wrists, ankles, thighs and biceps. Putting her face down on the bed he secured each wrist to an ankle and then held up a ball gag. Isabella opened her mouth and he fixed it in place. He picked up a butt plug and covered it in gel before sliding it into Isabella’s anus, and then a large vibrator was pushed up as far as it could go into her already wet pussy.

  Leaving her hog-tied he went and showered before putting on some casual clothes and leaving to fetch Corina. He patted her backside and turned the vibrator on saying, “That will keep you occupied for a while.” Isabella rocked on the bed trying to see where he was, when she heard the door go she realised that she had been left tied hand and foot again.

  This bondage was different from last night, she had never been hog-tied before, and the strain on her shoulders and thighs was quite painful, she hoped he wouldn’t be too long. Already she was reaching a peak with the plastic invader buzzing away inside of her.

  The Headmaster opened the door to Corina’s dorm and took in the scene in front of him. Corina and Amanda were sitting on one of the beds, Corina’s arm around Amanda’s shoulders. Janice was laid face down on another bed, wearing only h
er vest and socks, with her panties round her ankles and her backside covered in a film of skin cream.

  As always he allowed the tension to build before saying, “Corina, with me please.”

  Corina relaxed a little at the use of her name, every ward knew that if the Headmaster called you by your first name then you weren’t necessarily in trouble, if he referred to you as ‘Miss’, then you could guarantee a painful time was ahead.

  She followed him to the door of his room where he stopped and taking her shoulders held her at arms’ length and looked into her eyes.

  “This is where you decide whether to come in or not, Corina. If you decide that you do not want to come in you can return to your dorm and all our agreements will stay in place. Do you wish to come in?”

  A small shiver went through her body; she knew what he was asking her. If she said yes then she would be putting herself in his power and opening herself up to whatever he wanted to do to her.

  Before she came here she would never have given a man that much control, but now she knew she couldn’t turn him down. She had had sex with so many men whose names she didn’t even know, she had thought that she would never miss sex while she was here, but she had missed it. Lesbian sex with Mandy was alright but she needed something more.

  She looked into his eyes and said; “I would like to come in Sir.”

  He smiled, brought her closer and kissed her, his tongue pushing its way into her mouth and tangling with hers. Opening the door he said, “After you Corina.”

  As he closed the door behind them she gave a little gasp at the sight that met her eyes. Isabella Parker-Davies naked and hog tied on the bed. She slowly moved around to look at her face, still not quite believing what she was seeing.

  Her eyes were closed and as she looked down on the bound form of her former dorm mate they sprang open and a moaning sound came from behind the orange ball gag stuffed in her mouth. The Headmaster pulled her round to the bottom of the bed where she had a close up view of Isabella’s pussy, sticking out of which was the end of a pink vibrator and, it could be seen, she was so very wet.

  He pulled it slowly from her, an audible sucking sound could be heard as he did so, and turned it off.

  “You remember Isabella of course.”

  Corina licked her lips and looked up at his face; she could contain her curiosity no longer.

  “Please Sir, what is going on? This afternoon she whacked poor Heather with a strap, and we had to call her Miss Parker-Davies, and now she’s trussed up like a chicken on your bed.”

  “Isabella has become a trainee member of staff, outside this room she is to be treated with the respect all members of staff get, she is to be obeyed like a member of staff,” he went back to Isabella’s head and removed the gag. In here she does what I say.” He offered the vibrator up to her mouth and said, “Clean it, please.”

  Corina watched as Isabella’s tongue came out and licked her own juices of off the vibrator, a couple of tears appearing in her eyes as she caught her gaze.

  He patted her on the head. “Good girl, explain to Corina what you are inside this room please.”

  “I am the property of the Academy, Master. I am the slave of anybody I am assigned to.”

  “So maybe I should lend you to Corina then?”

  Isabella’s heart gave a flutter, but she knew what she had to say. “I have no choice in the matter, Master.”

  He patted her head again. “Well done Issi, well and truly put. Corina, would you like Isabella as a slave for a couple of hours, you can do anything you like to her.”

  Corina thought of all the shit she taken off of her over the last few months, but she knew he was testing her.

  “Thank you for the offer Sir, but you allowed me to punish Issi for the way she treated me and Mandy so, no thank you.” She tried to keep her gaze on him but it kept drifting back to a relieved looking Isabella.

  A smile came onto his face. “Then what would you like Corina?”

  She pulled his head down, kissed him and began to unbutton his shirt.

  “Fuck me please Sir.”

  He pushed her back and said; “Well you had better get those clothes off; I don’t want to have to punish you tomorrow because you’ve got a dirty uniform.”

  He stripped his own clothes off and folded them neatly; Corina caught on just in time and piled her own clothes on an armchair. She licked her lips as he walked over to the bed and twisted Isabella around so she was facing the room where she could see all that was taking place. For a man of his age he did have a good body, and waving in front of him was something else to appreciate.

  He sat down on the small sofa and pulled Corina towards him, running his hands up her rib cage until he came to her quite large breasts where he pulled at the big nipples. Putting his mouth on one nipple and sucking at it hard his hand came up in between her legs and he probed a couple of fingers inside, to find out how wet she was. Very wet, was the answer to that.

  She put her hand down and stroked him gently before guiding him inside her, with her legs either side of him she began to lift herself up and down, relishing the feel of him inside her. His hands went to her backside and gripped it as she manipulated herself on his lap. Kissing her breasts and sucking on her nipples he made Corina increase her speed and he could tell she was almost ready to come so he slapped the cheeks of her bottom.

  “Oh! Oh! Yes, yes.”

  Standing up, with her still impaled on his prick, he laid her down on the floor and lifted her legs right back until her knees were level with her face. She gripped behind her knees as he continued pumping in and out of her. As she felt him spurt inside of him she came again, arching her back and crying out.

  When she opened her eyes again, her head was still arched backwards and she looked straight into the eyes of Isabella, who stared back at her with a look of jealousy on her face. Corina gave a little laugh; maybe there were other ways to punish Isabella.

  The Headmaster released her legs and they fell either side of him. Putting a hand either side of her head he kissed her again, Corina lifting herself up to receive his tongue.

  “Was that what you meant Miss James?” he asked.

  “Oh yes Headmaster, Sir.” She suddenly realised that was the first time she had ‘made love’, since Mickey, the father of her son, had walked out on them. A lot of sex, but the plan was getting it over as soon as possible and move onto the next client.

  The Headmaster looked down her body, admiring the way her dark skin glowed with a covering of sweat on it. He worked his way down, licking the sweat off as he did so; Corina gave a little groan, her desire beginning to grow again.

  He stood up and Corina came to her knees and began to lick at his now slack penis, hoping for a reaction and another round of hot sex. He pulled her to his feet and whispered in her ear; “I think Issi needs a reward as well.”

  Taking her hand he led around to where Isabella’s bondage had forced her legs apart and exposed her most tender place. With lust still bright in her eyes, Corina moved in and began to delicately lick at her sodden pussy, stroking her tongue up and down until she hit the small nub at the top. As soon as she began to suck on her clitoris Isabella exploded in a series of little grunts and her body shook in its restraints.

  With the Headmaster using one hand to twist the butt plug and the other to tweak Isabella’s nipples, Corina continued to work on her ex dorm mate. The actions of the two girls soon caused him to rise again and he got on the bed and offered his swollen penis up to Isabella’s inviting mouth.

  She lunged forward and engulfed it, taking it as far as she could down her throat. Corina pushed her to another orgasm, and then another before he shot down her throat.

  He fell back with a sigh and Corina came round and took Isabella’s face in her hands, kissing her she parted her lips with her tongue and
swirled it around inside, tasting the Headmaster as she did so.

  “We could have done this a long time ago Issi, instead of all that bitching and fighting.”

  Isabella kissed her back. “I know I’m sorry I was such a bitch. I’m learning to be a better person.”

  The Headmaster heaved himself off of the bed.

  “Wonderful, we’re all friends again.”

  He released the ankle cuffs, extracted the butt plug and Isabella fell flat on the bed groaning as the circulation returned to her arms and legs.

  “Corina massage your friend’s legs and I’ll do her arms.”

  After five minutes they got the stiff girl to her feet and he pulled them both into a close embrace, kissing them both lightly on the lips.

  “Sit yourselves down girls; we all need a cup of tea.” They sat down on the easy chairs and he began to make tea. Corina looked around her, easy chairs, a television, tea and coffee, it all seemed so surreal. She was sitting dressed only in her socks next to a girl she detested dressed in bondage gear, it was all overwhelming. She burst into tears.

  Isabella put her arms around her and hugged her in close. “What’s the matter, Cori?”

  “It’s just the smell of the tea being made, my Gran used to make tea like that, with real tea instead of tea bags. It makes me realise what I’m missing.”

  The Headmaster handed her a handkerchief. “Well your Grandmother is a lady of taste, tea bags are so vulgar. The next time she visits I hope to meet her.”

  “I’d love that Sir, I really would,” Corina said, dabbing her eyes.

  “Well drink your tea, I want to get you back before lights out, and I haven’t finished playing with you yet.”

  He made them get up on the bed and told them to entertain him. “I’ll need a short while to recover but, as you know, girls can go on much longer.”

  He stood by the bed and watched as Corina and Isabella made love, with their tongues, with their fingers, rubbing their pussies together. He stopped them and helped Isabella into a large strap on dildo, moving Corina down to the bottom of the bed so her head hung backwards off the end, he had Isabella fuck her with the dildo while he pushed his prick as far down Corina’s throat as he could.